Fun Thread- What NSV will you NEVER have?

on 7/28/11 3:02 am - Las Vegas, NV
 I am almost 6'1... so I will never have the NSV of sliding my car seat closer to the wheel! LOL. It's back as far as it goes already, but I'm ALL legs!

What about you guys? 
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 7/28/11 3:09 am
So many things, but most noteably...I will never be a swim suit model.  How I long to have that kind of body, but it would take ALOT of plastics to get me there and then I would just look like a franken-barbie anyway.
 HW-304 / SW- 286 / CW-198.25 / GW-170
on 7/28/11 3:15 am - Las Vegas, NV
 LOL! That cracks me up. I am the same way. I am fairly young (26) but I have stretch marks COVERING my entire torso. They are old and faded (most actually came from me getting so tall so fast when I was young) but they are worse than anyone that I have seen... no bikini's for me!

We are just fine the way we are... we can rock tankini's and call it a day. :)
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
(deactivated member)
on 7/28/11 3:19 am
I will never go skydiving or bungee jumping, no matter how small.. no thank you, all I can say is Ow ow ow.
on 7/28/11 4:28 am
VSG on 01/06/11 with
One of the things I want to do IS to skydive!  I did a tandem once a long time ago and it was so fun.  I want to learn how and do it all on my own!
    HW: 335.  SW: 318.  CW: 161.0.  Height 5'8.  Age 43.
on 7/28/11 3:22 am - LA
Girl I am with you on 5'11" I feel your pain.  But then again we never have to ask for help getting things off the top shelf. 

But I am looking forward to have my feet shrinking a bit...being in a size 10 or 11 shoe would be great.

on 7/28/11 3:55 am - Las Vegas, NV
 I could not agree more. My bony, long skinny size 12 feet are not shrinking at all! LOL... Oh well... at least we have Zappos!
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 7/28/11 3:39 am - ME
I'll never wear a bikini either - never have - never will!  I'm way past an age where it's appropriated to wear a bikini anyway, so even if I had a great looking body for my age, I'd probably be laughed off the beach!  People say I look years younger than I am - it's the chubby cheeks filling out the wrinkles.  I fear I'll look like the portrait of Dorian Grey in the attic after I lose the weight.  Oh well, a healthy prune instead of an unhealthy plump plum - works for me! lol

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
Jessica Houston
on 7/28/11 3:45 am - Wichita, KS

I will never be seen in a bikini, crop top, or get my belly button pierced.  These strech marks are SCARY after being overweight most of my life & having 3 babies!!!  (Also I don't tan at all so I would blind someone if I tried to where a bikini! LOL!


HW: 245lbs SW:232lbs; CW: 206.2lbs;  GW:125lbs  Height 5ft 2in 
on 7/28/11 3:57 am - Las Vegas, NV
 I actually had a belly button piercing from when I was like 14... I was obese then, but it's all my mom would let me pierce. LOL. I don't think I will ever have it re-done.

Consider a spray tan! All the golden fabulocity and no skin cancer!
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
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