Hi there, I'm new & wondering if anyone wishes they

May D.
on 7/22/11 1:59 pm
I had no choice but to have VSG.  I couldn't have the lap band because I was too overweight for it and I couldn't have the RnY because I take Nsaids for my arthritis.  If you're looking to lose weight fast, you need to rethink having surgery as that's not healthy thinking.

You have a lot of restrictions with the RnY, you can't have sugar anymore, you mal absorb calories and your stomach is rearranged.  With the VSG your stomach functions as it always did, and no restrictions other than the size of your stomach.  

I would strongly suggest you do more research before you make up your mind and if you still choose RnY, then you'll know what lies ahead of you and what to expect.

Good luck!
on 7/22/11 2:07 pm - OR

Not for a single second have I wished I had had RNY.  In fact every day, I'm thankful I had the opportunity to have the VSG. 

I actually thought I would have to go with RNY because my insurance only covered RNY and the band, or so I thought.  I would have had it, had the choice been that or nothing, but at some point during the supervised diet program, the bariatric coordinator told me she thought my carrier had recently started covering VSG.  We confirmed that, and my path was set.  Better long-term health without the issues that malabsorbtion causes was the kicker for me.
Highest-285, Start WLS Program-267, Surgery-245, Current-196, Goal-148 
                                   Short Term Goal - Under 185 by 10/15/11           
on 7/22/11 2:20 pm
Heck no. I did not want my colon touched.

Plenty of people on this forum have lost well over 100 pounds. Some have lost over 200 and 300 pounds. Do your part with any WLS and you will be successful barring complications. I chose VSG, among several other reasons, because it is not malabsorptive and I felt that there was less opportunity for complicaitons. Most people that I know who had the bypass have gained it back and had problems, but doesn't mean that they all do.I know someone who is doing great.  Likewise, the sleeve has been very successful for many people who had serious issues with food- in particular, binge eating and addiction.

People years later report that their stomachs are still restricted with the VSG.  Dumping is not the only path to success.

Stick around this forum long enough to see who some of the long-time vets and biggest losers are. In the meantime, search for:


and check  their posts.
Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
on 7/22/11 2:28 pm - CA
The RNY was never under consideration for me - it really doesn't provide any benefit that the VSG doesn't provide (unless you consider dumping to be a benefit, as some surgeons suggest,) but has a lot more drawbacks and side effects. If I need more than the VSG it would be the DS which, overall, has less severe side effects and better weight loss and long term weight maintenance than the RNY.

1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)  

Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin   VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin


on 7/22/11 3:01 pm - IA
I started off this journey all gun ho for having the Band and I sat and talked to my nurse and Doctor for a bit and told them all my fears and they presented me w the VSG I knew as soon as he told me that the one side of the stomach has a thick lining and the scare tissue where my stomach was being removed from would be some harder scare tissue to prevent stretching I was game as soon as I was on youtube and I seen a girl go through dumping syndrome I knew I was making the right choice all the other reasons have been spoken about for me my eyes are very clear on my Sleeve on Monday Good luck ..When you figure out what your going to do please let me know I am curious
on 7/22/11 3:11 pm
I have arthritis. I take prescription anti inflamatories. I was off them for two weeks pre-op and then about a month post-op. I was able to start taking them again at that point. No problems.

Cannot do that with a RNY.

Due to the weight I have lost, the pain from the arthritis in my knees and hips has lessened considerably. I am able to exercise for the first time in many many years. I take less pain meds, less anti-inflamatories, and hope to have my knee replacements next year.

I have lost 100 pounds with in the last year, 34 pre-op and 68.75 post op.

Yes, maybe I might have lost more weight faster with malabsorbtion of a RNY.....but then when the malabsorbtion stops, I would have to re-learn how to maintain my weight without it. I would rather learn how to eat to be healthy now, and keep those habits for life.

Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 7/22/11 3:41 pm - CA
I am nearly 8 months out with the sleeve. I have had absolutely not one moment of regret.  Everyone around me is so amazed at how healthy I've been since the beginning...my energy level has been excellent, my recovery so fast, my color and skin excellent., I'm very happy with the weight loss.  70 pounds since surgery, 30 pounds before that. I experience very little hunger and I am full on so little food.  I have never once thrown up, never dumped, have had no issues with anything!   I haven't found anything that doesn't digest well.   I really don't crave anything, food is just not a big focus in my life now, and that's the way I want it!  I hope it always stays that way.  The only regret I have is not having done this years ago...but then I guess the sleeve wasn't available, so actually the timing was as it should be apparently!

At work there is a co-worker who had RNY two weeks after me.  She had a really tough time with it, and had trouble keeping food down for several months.  SHe lost incredibly fast, but not in a healthy way.  She had absolutely no energy, and still doesn't have what she ought to..and when you compare the two of us side by side, while she has lost at a faster rate, everything about me appears much healthier. I"m 53 but my skin has turned out to be surprisingly elastic, with the exception of batwing arms, but that runs in my family even with normal size people. My coworker's losing faster had more to do with weeks of eating only a few hundred calories a day, if that. Food just made her sick!  She still has issues getting down 800 calories a day.   Now  I'm not suggesting that's the case with all RNY patients, I know there are lots of folks who, like me, have no issues and are quite healthy. Personally,  I was never comfortable with the idea of living a life with malabsorption of my nutrition.   And I never liked the idea of rerouting my plumbing, so the sleeve was definitely the best choice for me, and I have to say honestly that I LOVE MY SLEEVE!  Now I didn't have a sugar addiction so I had that going for me; a lot of folks choose the RNY because they do have a sugar addiction and need the negative feedback of dumping syndrome from RNY to keep them in line.  My issue was mainly portion control and mindless eating, and I've found the sleeve to be a superb tool in combatting those issues.  If sugar is your issue, you may need to consider the RNY more seriously. But I will also share that I know several people with RNY who are able to eat sugar without dumping.  I think for most perhaps they dumped the first year, but later they were able to handle it.  So the RNY is not always a foolproof tool for sugaraholics either! 

Make the choice that fits you best.  They both have great things going for them, and of course the RNY has more years of longrange studies and data behind it since the sleeve is much newer.  You know, there is one more thing the sleeve has going for it...you can get a RNY later on after having the sleeve, but you can't get a sleeve after having the RNY. Just a little noteworthy tidbit there, for what it's worth. 

Whichever you choose, you will have a similar weight loss on average.  They are both excellent surgeries...good luck!
  Starting weight 287 at beginning of journey, lost 29.5 pounds pre surgery.        
on 7/22/11 10:02 pm - Laurel, MD
Oh God no!  There is no way I ever wanted my guts rerouted and to have a "ghost" stomach sitting in there that could never be scoped.  I love that I won't get dumping, that I absorb far more normally, and that I will be able to eat normally - I just have much smaller portions!  Once I loose my weight and get to goal, I look forward to and occasional treat!  I can't wait to see where this wonderful VSG journey is going to take me!  Can you tell - I LOVE MY SLEEVE!

Good luck making your decision!

Lucy  (Imma Loser!)
  LilySlim Weight loss tickers                  
HW 335 SW 311 CW 181.2 -- Goals:  Twoderville - 6/7/11, 280 - 7/1/11, 260 - 8/1/11, 240 - 10/30/11 Centry Club - 11/22/11, 220 - 12/27/11 Onederland - 5/25/12, 180 - , 170 (surgeons goal) -  
We shall see where this leads...  

on 7/22/11 11:07 pm
I couldn't be happier with my decision to have my VSG.  RnY was never a thought for me - I'm SO pleased that I waited for VSG approval!
My journey:   http://abowlfullofjelly.blogspot.com/ w/ March 2011 Sleevers List
"Sleeve Santa Sleeve!"
HW: 309 ~ PreOpW: 306 ~ SW: 293 ~ CW: 184  
on 7/23/11 1:58 am
 lol! LOVE that - 'sleeve, santa sleeve!'!!!!! l've always said the 'eat, papa, eat!' line from the movie. l like your version!!
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