Facial comparison picture-almost 7 months post op

on 7/18/11 2:08 pm - MO

I went through the pictures on my husbands computer tonight and found the 1st picture on there, that was taken around Christmas 2009, the now picture was taken just a few days ago.  I can't believe how much my face has changed!

I have a way to go yet and the loss has slowed some (by my own doing, I had to say goodbye to the chips again last week.) All in all though, I'm SO happy with how I'm doing.  I have a late 6 months check-up next week and I really hope the doctor is happy with how I'm managing.  I recently started jogging some and today did 15 minutes on the elliptical followed by 9 miles on the stationary bike which gave me a full hour of cardio.  Then I took my son to the pool for a few minutes! :)

I miss having boobs, my butt is non-existent and I hate how my stomach looks at the moment but those are really my only complaints.  I can mow the lawn without stopping to suck air, I get to hold my son closer for snuggles because the pesky fat isn't in the way, I go to the pool without feeling ashamed, I play on the playground with my 2 year old and FIT down the slides, my self esteem is making a come back, I can fit into my junior year prom dress (it's a little lumpier looking now) and I wake feeling rested and I don't HAVE to shop at Lane Bryant. :) 

WLS Consult Weight: 278.01 lbs.
Morning of Surgery: 248 lbs.
1st Month: -20.4 lbs.
Elaine H.
on 7/18/11 2:16 pm
          VSG 3/21/11    HW 322  SW  298  CW  200 GW  175  5'7"    age 65                                                                           
on 7/18/11 2:16 pm
That is awesome! You don't look old enough to have a kid. Way to go. I can't wait until my surgery Aug 11. Your surgeon should be way proud of you... keep up the good work!!
on 7/18/11 2:20 pm - AR
 The first place I always see a difference (weight loss wise) is in my face! You look amazing!!! Keep up the good work!!! 

     *Never Let a Dark Past, Cloud a Bright Future*

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on 7/18/11 2:20 pm - MN
My goodness. You're beautiful. Before AND after. What a difference.

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

on 7/18/11 2:24 pm
Pretty Cute !!!

I'm always a sucker for the neck detail and collar bone !!!!!


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 7/18/11 2:50 pm
You are absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss!!

I had "flat butt syndrome" too. It happens because of the rapid weight loss and the loss of muscle tissue. What has helped me, is weight training. Squats, lunges, leg presses, leg curls, walking up hills, inclines on the treadmill, stair mill, all help to build up our glutes, hamstrings, quads. I still have some "butt flaps" but my upper butt has some shape to it, and a plastic surgeon even said that I had some developed some muscle in that area. Strength training will help you to conserve your muscle mass and even develop more muscle, if you work at it.

Good Luck!!

 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 7/18/11 5:35 pm - CA
you look great! nice job.
on 7/18/11 9:49 pm - Harrisburg, PA
You can definitly see the difference!!! Your facial difference is as dramatic as mine, congratulations and keep up the good work!!!
PSW 268 and Height is 5'10, SW was 241.6, GW is 170, CW is 160   
on 7/18/11 10:04 pm - Youngsville, LA
Wow!!!  You look so different (and young)!  Go girl!
 J's Skinny Mom  

 HW 238 / SW 235 / CW 120  
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