Are all carbs evil?

on 7/6/11 9:20 am
I occasionally eat crackers, protien bars or other random things that hold the carbs.. but almost daily I do eat fruit/veggies...  I have cut sooo much out of my diet.. I just cant pass up those fresh summer time fruits :) if you work out alot you want more protien first, since it will help those muscles.. I dont add any extra carbs when I work out.. I have enjoyed a few potato chips since surgery.. a few servings of rice/noodles.. however it isnt weekly.. or even monthly  let alone daily like it used to be.. I dont even crave them
on 7/6/11 9:26 am - raleigh, NC
I am a true believer that NO CARB IS A GOOD CARB especially when in the losing phase.  I restricted my carb intake 25 or less in my skinny days.  The moment that I tossed that rule out of the window, weight gain rushed in.  I don't want to compare weight loss numbers here but low carb = steady weight loss.
HW 269/SW 263/CW 184/GW 135                        
on 7/6/11 9:38 am - TX
Such great info! And so encouraging to see such great losses! My nutritionist said to eat protein EVERY time I eat FIRST, follow it up with a fruit or veggie, and then if I feel like I need to eat a carb of some kind, go ahead. But she said that post surgery, I likely won't want or even have room for anything after my protein and veggies. The only target she gave me was 60 grams of protein and she said that could change at some point after surgery. I love the insight I get on this forum! Every piece of information is so incredibly welcomed!! Thanks, guys!
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/11 10:38 am
You will see so many opinions on this subject, but for me, I believe that carbs slow down my loss are not at all needed by my body.  I kept my carbs to under 40 in the losing phase and I still try to keep them under the 60-80 range even two years out.  When my weight jumps up even a few pounds I immediately cut the carbs.  It always comes right off.  I lost 93 lbs. in 6.5 months and have been maintaining for the last 1.5 years.  It works for me.
on 7/6/11 12:21 pm
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh how my FAT body loved carbs, my skinny ***** size 2 body hates carbs, all carbs. In my losing phase, I ate no more than 30gr of carbs per day. A carb was a carb, a carb, I didn't care what form it was from, how much fiber it had with it, my body liked to burn those carbs before fat so I had a goal to reach, didn't want to lollygag around with losing. So, I just did what I knew would work best for me and my goals.

I can tell you that regardless of the type of carb, or how many net carbs those foods have, I feel gross eating them, and in pregnancy I have to eat a minimum of 100gr of carbs per day, and it sucks! I am more tired, and I know part of that is pregnancy, but I get a carb coma when I eat them so it's not just the pregnancy, it's my body immediate reaction to certain foods.

In maintenance, I lightened up a lot, allowed more carbs in my diet, but my focus was always protein unless it was a big fat leafy salad. I had a gain over the holidays, a true gain from copious amounts of alcohol and party foods from Halloween to New Years Eve. I went back to my normal eating habits, and I lost it within about 10 days.

I dropped 115lbs in 6.5 months which got me to goal, and then an additional 23-25lbs over another 4 months into maintenance giving me total of 138lb lost with VSG, and maintained my loss for year until pregnancy weight has crept in.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

Still Fawn
on 7/6/11 12:37 pm - SIERRA MADRE, CA
Carbs were never evil in the first place.. They are just food, and I refuse to demonize food. I never cut carbs, even white ones, from my diet, and I never stalled, got to goal in six months, and have maintained for over two years now..

That being said, most people seem to aim for 40-60 carbs a day, spread out via dairy and veggies...

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 7/6/11 12:49 pm - CA
I had a question, some of the sobe waters have no sugar and are zero cal, but have like 8 carbs are those bad to drink?
on 7/6/11 2:26 pm - TX
I have no idea.  I would assume if it has no sugar, then there wouldn't be any carbs, but I'm at a loss on this one. If you find out, let me know!
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