I am 3 weeks out having belly pains, dr sent me for upper gi nothing showed, no leaks everything is moving down like it should.. I got sick from tuna last thurs, and now can't seem to keep anything down, back to clear/full liquids for a week till we try again. Egg salad, beets, chicken salad mushed everything in my book I have been following to a T.
VERY DISCOURAGED. any suggestions
I agree with the other food suggestions (greek yogurt will help with your protein intake and digestion so I highly recommend may have to add a packet of splenda because its a little sour).
I still don't eat eggs much or chicken....just had an episode with chicken tonight but that was mostly because i ate it too fast. I got sick on tuna early out too and I used to love I avoid it. Shrimp (when you start back on more dense food) worked well for me and still does...and I wasn't a bill shrimp lover before. You learn to try different things, at least I did because I didn't like the protein shakes.
Also, funny thing is that thin slice cheese (your favorite) went down well..although the low-fat variety would be best. I figured since I was only getting in about 400 calorie a day a little extra fat wouldn't hurt me ;-)
Good luck!