Force Feeding

Amy B.
on 6/27/11 3:32 am - East Jordan, MI
I'm 6 weeks out today.  I feel great, weight loss is steady (avg. of 4.6 pounds lost per week), no stalls.  I am most comfortable around 700-800 calories a day.  My NUT says I am losing at too fast a rate and I need to be eating at least 1200 calories a day, 1400 the more I exercise.  Okay, she has a degree in this stuff, so I tried her way for a couple of days.  To get anywhere close to her numbers, I basically had to force feed myself.  I was eating all damn day!!  The way I see it, that whole eating when not hungry bit is what got me to need WLS in the first place.  I don't like feeling full anymore.  I still enjoy eating, but it has FINALLY become just a necessary act to keep my body in prime condition and not the "hobby" it once was.  I am making sure I get my minimum amounts of protein and fluids in.  I'm taking all of my vitamins and supplements.  My skin looks better than it has in a long time (so I've been told), I have a ton of energy, I sleep I am apparently not lacking nutrients.  

I have decided that I am the one who knows this body best and I will just "pad the numbers" on the food journal copies I give the NUT at my next appointment.  I'm not particularly proud that I have chosen to "lie" but at 45 years old, I really don't want to follow a 20 something NUT's advice that makes me feel like crap all day.  And what can she do??  Not let me have surgery??   
diane S.
on 6/27/11 3:56 am
well what does your doctor say? didn't he give a program. So long as you get the protein and a decent amout of calories (like 8 or 900) i see no reason to force stuff yourself. You could do an extra protein drink a day. but I wouldn't lie to the nut. Just tell you you can't do what she says and are not going to. the end. its not your job to please her; its her job to help you. Tell her you just cannot eat that much right now and maybe will work up to more later. You still have weight to lose and thats the most important thing. My surgeon has everybody do 600 to 800 calories during wls phase regardless of activity. so different professionals have different opinions.  GL  Diane

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on 6/27/11 4:00 am
I too put on my 'pudding face' (I love those commercials) when dealing with my NUT. As long as my surgeon doesn't have a problem with my weight loss then I don't worry.

IMHO, the biggest mistake some of these hospitals make is having 'regular' dieticians try to make us bariatric patients be the 'round peg fitting into a square hole'. They counsel all health issues, all health types with the same diet and restrictions. We are not all the same, and while a lot of it does come down to common sense and directions, there are special considerations when dealing with someone who has been morbidly obese for decades.

After years of fighting my body with what now most of my dr's consider to be a metabolic issue not a 'will power' issue -I've decided to listen to the voices in my head, not theirs. If I had listened to the voice in my head 10-15 years ago I'd have been at goal and enjoyed those years of my life too.

Make good decisions, eat well, exercise well, and it sounds as if you are doing just that. Best wishes.

Let me help you with bariatric friendly cooking.
on 6/27/11 4:03 am - MI
if you are feeling good and your getting in all your protein and liquids. And you aren't deficient in anything - Then I say just keep doing what you're doing. Your body will tell you if you need more. 8-900 is an average number for alot of docs - so it must not be bad for you..

                                      WHOOO BABY - I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!
on 6/27/11 4:04 am - San Jose, CA
I'm a NUT too and I disagree with yours. As long as you are meeting your minimum protein requirements, vitamins and minerals, you don't NEED more calories. There's a lot of misinformation out there about losing too fast and starvation mode.. all myths and misinformation.

Just make sure you get your protein and vites in however you can. I'm of the opinion you should be getting at least 100 grams, although 70 grams is at least something. Good luck!

Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist VSG FAQsublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift

on 6/27/11 4:20 am
Hi Sublimate.  Could you direct me to a good reading source in regards to info on "losing too fast and starvation mode?"  I'm trying to educate some stubborn family/friends.  Hugs.......Jennifer
   hi there.  pleased to meet you.  ~jennifer                        
on 6/27/11 4:19 am - MN
Do what I do and practice "selective hearing". When your NUT says something crazy like that, ignore it. I'd listen to Sublimate, not your NUT. Listen to yourself, too. And check with your surgeon or review the eating program you came home with.

When I was at 6 weeks I felt like I was force-feeding myself just to get in the minimum requirements. I gave myself permission to eat/drink what I was comfortable with. Worked for me.

I'm not suggesting anyone do anything and everything they want to but we all know there's some really bad professional advice out there. I think we are allowed to weed out the junk and keep what makes sense.

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

Ms Shell
on 6/27/11 5:05 am - Hawthorne, CA
I agree with my girl sublimate as it realates to the information YOU are getting...especially if you are FEELING the effects of it.  Get in your vitamins.  Get in your protein.  Get in your fluids.  You are doing an awesome job.

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

Amy B.
on 6/27/11 5:17 am - East Jordan, MI
Thanks for the reinforcement everyone!  I like the girl (the NUT) but she's a bit of a snip.  lol  I know me and I'm going to stick with what seems to be working. 
on 6/27/11 8:19 am - San Jose, CA
Here's some good links:

Losing weight too fast CAN be dangerous IF you aren't getting enough protein, vitamins and minerals. Your body CAN and WILL run on your STORED body fat.. that's what you want it to do. You just want to avoid being deficient in the basic things you MUST replenish all the time. Use google and you'll find lots of articles on this.

Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist VSG FAQsublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift

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