OMG - you have GOT to read this IDIOTS post over on the lapband forum!!!

on 6/20/11 8:43 am - Houston, TX
You hit the nail on the head!I could'nt agree more. I mean she has lost in 6 years what others have lost in 1. And is it just me r is this lady crazy when she glouts about food i mean why have a dramtic surgery of any kind if youre goal is to eat whatever when ever?
on 6/20/11 12:24 am
If she DOES ever end up here, the only option for the rest of us would be to completely ignore her stupid ass, or better yet, block her entirely and not give her the satisfaction of being able to disrupt our happy little home. 

                    HW 258    SW 246.4    CW 166.8 GW 160    
                     (reflects loss from all-time high weight in November 2009)
on 6/20/11 1:19 am - Durango, CO
Too bad there's not a forum block button! ;-)

Notice how, with the exception of a few newbies and pre-ops, none of the bandsters have come to her rescue on this one? I'm sure most of them wish she'd bug out for good.

Bichon Mom2 Oval Sticker

on 6/20/11 2:31 am
No doubt, they've GOT to be embarassed by her.  Hopefully they realize that nobody's taking her seriously and that she's not a reflection of all bandsters--that nobody's gonna judge them all based on her idiocy!

                    HW 258    SW 246.4    CW 166.8 GW 160    
                     (reflects loss from all-time high weight in November 2009)
on 6/24/11 1:46 am - Durango, CO

OMG...I had to come find you just so I could share this with you! Check out Bette's response to her stupidity! Naomiville....hahahahaha! W-TO-USE-THIS-BOARD-EFFECTIVELY-AND-BE-SUCCESSFUL/#36504635


Bichon Mom2 Oval Sticker

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/11 2:36 am
 It is really very sad. She believes she understands the other surgeries which she has not been through. 

Only sitting down with actual doctors and going through a surgery could she possibly understand.

I don't preach about the lapband because Ive never had one, and the silly seminar at the hospitol does not substitute for living through it.
on 6/21/11 3:08 pm
I am new and I don't know who is who , but that same person frightened me by posting a"study" about how people who get a sleeve are DOOMED.  Thank goodness I posted my thoughts on the sleeve part of the forum and I got good answers that calmed me down.

Since then, I have done a little research on her postings and I have found her to be a fibber of the first order.  In her signature and in several of her posts, she states that she has not had any problems.  Then I came across posts where she said that she had DOZENS of fills and unfills in a VERY short time period.

She also tries to make folks who are really hurting from their situation feel like they are to blame for not following some unspoken rules.

Let's just say, I don't take the time to read anything she posts now, because I just don't have time for liars.
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