is it acid reflux?

on 6/20/11 1:40 am - Miami, FL
 hey guys, i have a question for ya. maybe you can help.

before surgery i found out i had h. pilory. never had any symptoms. but i took antibiotics and then had surgery. about 3  months after surgery i got tested again and i still had the h.pilory. my gastro guy wanted me to do another series of antibiotics but i didn't want to. i said i wanted to try natural treatments. to i drank some matcha tea and when i went to test again i tested negative. my gastro doctor doesn't know how its possible. frankly neither do i bc i stopped taking the tea after a handful of times. but he said, well if it says you're negative we'll listen. and that was that.

a week or two ago i was taking this iron capsule and it dissolved in my throat. it was the most disgusting experience. it was like dirt and crushed metal in my throat. i feel like it scratched up my throat. and a day or two later i was feeling this weird hard to explain thing. like something foul was in my throat or my esophogus or my stomach and these gases or something were coming out and i had this nasty taste and feeling in my throat. has anyone ever gotten that? i thought maybe it was from the incident with the iron in my throat. but now weeks later i find myself getting that feeling occassionally (but i had switched to a chewable iron now) and now i get heartburn in the mornings. even before i eat or drink anything. i wonder if the h. pilory came back. or if this is acid reflux or what. i know wls patients are prone to acid reflux but i never had it till now.

do these symptoms sound familiar to you? has anyone had this? i'm gonna see my surgeon on friday for some bloodwork so i'll ask him then but i thought maybe someone might have some insight.



on 6/20/11 2:19 am
I think I had something like that happen 4 nights ago.  I took a pill and it got caught in .. well I don't know.. like the back of my throat but I couldnt get it to go down it was like in my nose but not up by the nostrils.and it was stuck there.  I was so disgusting my throat had this taste until it dissolved. But I was trying to get it out by sucking up from my nose, and a tiny piece was left that I spit out.

This was really disgusting and then my mouth started to get all watery with saliva and I felt sick because I was drinking water throughout the whole time (I filled my pouch) so then I had to wretch.  

Your throat part sounds like what happend to me, with that pill stuck there.

I have problems swolling pills now, never did before.  I have to make sure my throat is wet first and then somehow swollow hard and not let them get stuck in my throat.

Does this sound kinda like what happend to you?

on 6/20/11 2:25 am - Miami, FL
 i've always struggled with swallowing pills. i have to get a mouthful of water and throw the pill in there. i can't let the pill touch my mouth. i gag and throw it up.


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