My Hair!!!!!

on 6/11/11 1:53 pm - Four Corners, NM
Biotin doesn't do a thing for Acute Telogen Effluvium... Don't believe an OH search

The only thing you can do at this point is follower yer docs guidelines on ^^^ DAILY protein... look into wigs, hats, hair accessories, keep away from the WEAVES, LOCS, EXTENTIONS anythin  stressin yer already thinning hair...and RIDE IT OUT!!

New hair comin in at around 6-7 months...completely fill in thinnin parts by 9 months, pumpin up the volume.  At around 7-9 months START using a MILD protein shampoo & conditioner to prevent BREAKAGE of existing strands...which starts around that time!

Read more on what to expect...
VSG HAIR LOSS +hair+loss/
on 6/11/11 3:54 pm
I was a long-time Monoxidil user so had thin hair on top to begin with. My hair loss started exactly at 3 months. It just slowed down 1 week ago----2 months/3 days into the hair loss. I lost huge amounts, as I was very ill with a leak and on tube feedings, etc. Now I am just having normal hair in my brush every day, but it may be temporary. I am praying it is not. I lost probably 50%. I am taking Biotin and Iron as those may help with the new hair when it does decide to grow back in. I bought an acrylic wig (they run about $45.00) but have not worn it yet. Instead, I am doing cute berets and just lately scarves tied behind my head. I am seeing more and more gals wearing scarves lately, esp in my Zumba class, so I seem to fit in with them. It is just horrible to lose our hair. The hair I have left on my head looks like an 80 year old's----it is straight, thin, straw-like. When I was young, I used to have bushels of thick black curly hair, and what I have now does not even look like it belongs to me. I do believe most of us VSGers go thru some measure of hair loss--it is just part and parcel of the surgery. I am trying to eat over 100 grams of protein too, that has got to help at some point. Go out and shop for some cute scarves and hats for yourself.
on 6/11/11 4:23 pm - Aurora, CO
VSG on 07/17/10 with
I can't help your fears, my hair-loss is one of my biggest feel-good stoppers these days.  There is lots to be happy about, but man, hair loss on women... it's hard to deal with.  Mine has been major.  I had my surgery in July of last year and I can't say that it's stopped.  It certainly has slowed and I THINK there is some regrowth happening because I have a lot of short whispy ones sticking straight out of my scalp.  My friends jokes that I have baby elephant hair - and it's so true!  

It's hard... and I just hope for you that you recover quickly and don't experience too much loss.  But when you're feeling woeful, remember - we're here feelin' it too.
  Pre-op diet/SW/CW/GW :: 306/297/209/185
Just had my 3rd child a month ago - wanting to get back on the weightloss wagon!

on 6/12/11 2:32 am - San Antonio, TX
I truly feel your pain.  I really don't let it get me down though.  I realize it's all a part of this process.  I just continue to buy hair pieces and keep right on rollin'. 

  HW-319 SW-295 CW-186.2 GW-160 BMI-29.1   
on 6/12/11 3:12 am
I am right in the middle of my hair loss to and it's horrible.  I dread washing my hair because thats when I notice it the most.  I have done tons of research and found something that has helpped for me, and it's FREE.

Drink tons more water.  If you research dehydration and hair loss you will find how important it is for our scalp and hair to have water in our system.  I have started drinking about 12 cups of water a day instead of the 8 that is recommended and my hair loss has slowed down dramatically.  It might have just been a coincidence, but like I said it's free, and it can't hurt you so why not try it!

As far as Bioten, it's great when your hair starts coming back in, but it won't stop the loss. 
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