Are you looking to fail?
Jimbo, you know I love you, but I have to point this out so others don't get confused. You eat every two hours because your surgeon made an extra small sleeve for you, and that is saying a lot since our surgeon makes a small sleeve for everybody. He personally told me that yours is even smaller than what he usually does. Plus you are a big guy and had a lot to lose, so you could stand the extra calories. Our doctor tells everybody else, except athletes, to eat three times a day with as few snacks as possible. That is his standard program. So Old Medic would be right for most people on this site. You know that the two most detrimental habits with the sleeve are to graze and to drink your calories. Nothing leads to regain faster. I think that is what Old Medic is referring too and he is right for sharing this with newbies. Dr. C also told us many times that when at goal just keep doing what works. He is a lot more lenient during the maintenance stage than during the losing stage. You, Jimbo, are an amazing success story and you deserve respect and to keep doing what has worked for you. But newbies should know that our doctor would not recommend that others eat every two hours. He would predict failure for those that follow your same program.