Liquid protein

on 5/21/11 6:30 am
I haven't had the surgery yet and probably be on the waiting list here for a few years, but just incase I can come up with the cash to go to Mexico I still need to find liquid protein that I can tolerate.  I have tried a few protein drinks and yuck there is no way I can drink those.  What type of normal regular foods can give you enough protein without having to go to protein drinks.  
on 5/21/11 6:49 am - TX
fish, shrimp, chicken, greek yogurt, cottage cheese... Lots of things... I haven't had a protein drink since 2 weeks post-op. It CAN be done.
on 5/21/11 6:58 am
Sorry I meant for the clear liquids and liquids part of the post op, pre op.  I know I won't have a problem with the real protein once I am able to take mushy food in.
on 5/21/11 7:07 am - TX
 Aah.  Well - bad news there.  I did have to drink shakes pre and post-op (2 weeks each).  BUT - only 3/day and I was allowed to have soup.  Did not have a "clear liquids" stage after I left the hospital.  I drank the Atkins chocolate royale and the coffee-flavored one (can't remember what it's called) - not too bad.  You can do it for a few weeks - it's soooooooooo worth it!!  There's also the unflavored Unjury but that stuff is WAY nasty - and you can't get it very hot (so not for soup unless you like your soup lukewarm).  Hope this helps.
(deactivated member)
on 5/21/11 9:09 am
I ordered on line Desert Brand vanilla which is very good.  I added it to my decaf and it was like a sweet latte, I made it with skim milk and added SF flavoring of different kinds for a change in flavor. 
(deactivated member)
on 5/21/11 10:20 am - Woodbridge, VA
For pre-made shakes, EAS brand and Premier brand usually get the best reviews around here. I'm not sure where you can get the Premier ones (sounds like you're not in the US, but I know they sell them at Costco).

In the very early liquids phase, you might want to find an unflavored protein powder you can mix into things like Crystal Light, Jell-o, etc. It's not really flavorless, as it's still, umm, protein flavored, but it's more versatile, and you can limit the flavor of it by using more liquid (for example, I've done 1 scoop of unflavored powder in 16 oz of Crystal Light).
on 5/21/11 11:06 am - New Orleans
Great to see you around here, Jill.  Your knowledge is always appreciated.

Current weight: 170 lbs.

Once I reach goal, this cow will be killed & eaten... 2 ounces at a time.

Total includes 56 lbs. lost on 2-month low carb pre-op diet.  Start date 9/13/10.

on 5/21/11 11:27 am
Yeah, I am in Canada and unfortunately the wait for this surgery is a few years :(  So I will try to save up the cash and go to mexico if I am no closer to getting the surgery but in the meantime I have been trying a few protein drinks and I don't like them.  I will see if someone can pick me up some premiere stuff from costco to try.  
diane S.
on 5/21/11 11:39 am
see the post that Sublimate puts up every few days on questions asked by newbies. it has tips on how to doctor  up protein drinks to make them taste better. diane

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on 5/21/11 11:53 am
I have been reading them, and copied a list of them someone posted one day and saved it, plus there was one with skim milk.  So I have been trying different things just not the unflavored ones yet.  I know i just joined a few weeks ago but have been reading the forum for much longer.
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