Hair - Finding it here, there, and everywhere...

on 5/10/11 3:29 am - Los Angeles, CA
Completely empthasize with ya Lala!.  My hair loss started at 2 1/2 months post op, and by 3 1/2 months, I was noticing a little "rug" in the drain every time I took a shower, and a lot every day on my hair brush.  It got so bad, I was seriously thinking about saving it to fashion my own wig!  Since I had thin hair to begin with, it was VERY disconcerting, and I was sure I'd be bald inside of a month!   

While the hair loss was definitely overall thinning, and not in clumps, it was still very difficult to go through, as my hair was about my only physical asset I was proud of.  But fortunately, no one else seems to have noticed, and now, at 6 months post-op, it has finally subsided.  I also now notice a lot of new short hairs popping out.  Kind of looks funny, since I always had straight long hair, and I now have a sort of fuzzy look to my hair, but I'm definitely glad to know it's growing back.   I take Biotin; I was told it woldn't do anything to stop the loss, but it might help with the re-growth, so I figured it couldn't hurt! 

Hang in there -- this too shall pass! 

 age: 53   5'1" tall   HW=231  SW=216  CW=139.8  GW=130         

on 5/10/11 5:05 am - GA
Thanks Pixie - I am hanging in there.  I love the visual with baby hairs!!!
on 5/10/11 4:57 am - Houston, TX
Hey Sistah,
I started shedding at a lil over 3 months out. Every morning, I run my hand through my damp hair and pull hair out. I'm hoping I'm in my last month of this sheeeeet. I expected this so I'm not having a WTF moment. I'm not bald. I can feel a difference in the thickness, but nobody else can tell or if they can, they've known to keep their pie hole closed. I have new baby hairs sprouting. I'm all about big Texas hair, so I'm rejoicing over this!! On a side note, why can't we lose leg, underarm, or down south hair. I mean really, shaving is a pain in the arse.
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. ~2 Chronicles 15:7 
LilySlim Weight loss tickers 
5'6" ~ Loving a size 4 ~
Plastics Apr 17th, 2012 with Dr. Sauceda ~ BL, BA, LBL w/ flap aug & mini thigh lift!

on 5/10/11 5:13 am - GA
Hey Sista Friend...

You always keep me laughing.  I love the commentary about leg/underarm and hair down south - Serioulsy why can't we reap a benefit.

I have always had baby fine, super wavy (baby curls) hair, but LOADS of it, but I blow dry it straight.  I am hoping the sheer volume of strands will keep it non noticable or like you said other will keep their pie hole shut!!!  I may have to go more natural and let it go wavy to keep the volume.  I have a "thing" about having my hair curly/wavy due to my BIG OLE face and it just makes it look bigger.

Having baby hairs to pump up the volume would be a plus!!!  Like you Texas girls we here in Atlanta love the big hair too!

Hugs to you hon!!!
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