Hair - Finding it here, there, and everywhere...

on 5/10/11 1:08 am - GA
Thanks for this, basically taking biotin because I have some ecema issues (scalp) and was hoping it would help since I wasn't a vit taker before surgery.  Thanks for the links I will read up!!!  I really appreciate your taking time to reply and offer help!
on 5/10/11 1:24 am - VA

I totally get what you mean. I too am losing hair. Nothing too drastic but when I comb it or bru**** its a few strains in my brush/comb. I'm hoping I don't lose too much hair because then I will have to get a weave or even a wig. A wig will not work for me because I tend to scratch my hair a lot and I know I probably will pull the wig But we are now towards the weeks of hair loss so we should brace ourselves and get ready because here it comes....

HW: 272   SW: 256  CW: 189 GW: 170

1st  Goal:    245:    
2nd Goal:    220:    Achieved
3rd  Goal:    199:    Achieved
Final goal:   170

"I thank GOD for allowing me this opportunity to turn my life around"
on 5/10/11 1:36 am - GA
Sorry to hear you are having it too, but at the same time I here is a weird comfort knowing I am not alone at this point.  I am totally with you on the head scratching... I am always scratching, playing with my hair, etc  My fidgeting is part of how I got the nickname "Monkey"
on 5/10/11 1:25 am - Round Rock, TX
VSG on 02/17/11 with
Yep, my hair loss is beginning.  But to be fair, right now it is at the pace it was pre-op which gives you an idea of how malnourished I was as a morbidly obese person.  I had a honeymoon for the first 2 months post-op where I lost hardly any - strange for me. Now it is catching up I guess?

~*Sandy*~ Ht 5'7" HW 262/SW 254/GW 160/CW 155


on 5/10/11 1:43 am - GA
Hugs to you Sarytyr - I am with you!  We'll just keep hanging in I guess.
on 5/10/11 1:44 am
I noticed it too!   But mine was like 10 years before VSG! ha ha!  no words of wisdom here......

JIMBO...  350lbs! lost!.....  TRIPLE CENTURY CLUB!!  HELL ...YEAH!  
MY  VSG......KICKS ASS!                                                                                                                                                                                      

 I  am   6' 2"    

on 5/10/11 1:47 am - GA
Ha!  Funny Jimbo.  My husband had the same response!!!  He said "Honey you don't know what hairloss is".  Then he rubbed his balding head.  I guess it is all perspective!!!  Thanks for the giggle!
on 5/10/11 2:00 am - Four Corners, NM
Yer husband has mpb?  I used to hang out in their forums all the time researching VSG hair loss...funny thing is...those guys are supplementin with FISH OIL!! not ONLY finasteride... that's where I learned about Omega 3s and its inhibitory response in the testosterone---> DHT conversion!

I would prefer Krill over fish oil tho...smaller gelcaps and better bioavailabity...but never posted for those guys...into checkin this out further...same inhibitory effect tho!!

Also yer husband...if this is a concern for him...may wanna check into Latrisse!!  and recent literature on hair regrowth in mpb. Its sumthin else!!
on 5/10/11 3:18 am - Southern, CA
VSG on 01/31/11 with
I am right there with ya Lala! Finding a little more strands than usual in my hairbrush or that get stuck around my fingers when I'm washing my hair but for the most part it has been somewhat subtle...thank God! I started taking biotin 3 months before surgery in preparation of this and will keep taking it until at least 6 months out or so. All we can do is keep up on our protein, take our vits + biotin and pray. Hopefully it will turn out for the best for both of us :)
*Hugs* Missy

January Sleevers:

    Consult Weight 254             SW 212          CW 154           GW 120 
Ask Not What Your Sleeve Can Do For You But What You Can Do For Your Sleeve!
on 5/10/11 5:07 am - GA
Hey Miss C - Like you mine is mostly subtle but shocking for me since I typically don't lose hair at this rate. 
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