Hair - Finding it here, there, and everywhere...

on 5/10/11 12:38 am - GA
For the last few weeks I have been acutely aware of finding strands of hair everywhere. Nothing crazy yet,. no clumps etc, just consistently finding individual strands everywhere.  On my shoulder, on my desk at work, on my leg while driving in traffic. in my hand when I run my hand through my hair (habit),

I knew this could happen.  I am hoping and praying it doesn't get nuts.  I have a hair appt on Friday for a color touch up we shall she if the hair dresser notices and what she says.  I am getting my protein, taking my vits, including some biotin and occasional iron (was told by nut my values are good and I don't need to supplement)  so here is hoping it continues to stay on the mild side. 

My hair has always been a vanity area.  Here is praying that it doesn't get crazy!!!

on 5/10/11 12:45 am - Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis
I too have noticed increased shedding over the last month. No clumps or patches of loss, just strands..maybe 2-3x the strand loss more than normal.

My hairdresser says we increasingly shed 2 times a year...i am in a state of denial so i am chalking it up to this being a shedding time!

                       HW: 258lbs  SW: 240   CW: 140  I am 5 foot 7 and 30 years old               
                 VSG 12/21/10  Plastics: Tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation 11/3/11
                                             Soon to be veterinarian!! xoxo

on 5/10/11 12:48 am - GA
Hey Sassy!!!  So I am totally going with your shed theory and will float down the river of denial with you!  Thanks girl! 
on 5/10/11 12:47 am - Laurel, MD

What did one vain sleeve sister say to the other????  I am guessing that my hair is thinner,  It feels thin to me. (thin hair, wide ass...go figure).  I bought a hair/ nail multi from GNC last week. 

Losing hair is no laughing matter. The good part is that it WILL grow back.  You are getting some new sexy locs to go with the new sexy figure!!!



LilySlim Weight loss tickers


                 46yrs old  5'4'' HW 306  AW  288  SW 276 CW 192  205                                                  Next goal <199     



on 5/10/11 12:50 am - GA
Hey there my sister from another mother!!!  Love how we seem to always share the same attributes and thin hair and wide ass is no exception - I got it too!  I am trying to keep a good attitude here - I love your new sexy locs to go with the new sexy figure theory. 

Hugs to you Fay!!!
Nita G.
on 5/10/11 12:53 am, edited 5/10/11 12:54 am
 I have a lot of hair in the tub drain every morning, and I find hair EVERYWHERE, stuck to my clothes, the chairs, wrapped around my grandkid's fingers, in food (Yuck), everywhere. I hadn't cleaned my vacuum cleaner's roller in a while, and I noticed it wasn't picking up very well, so I flipped it over and OMG! There was enough of my hair in there to make wigs for several small children! I must have lost half my hair by now. It does seem to be slowing though (I hope!), 

48 pounds lost prior to surgery

on 5/10/11 12:56 am - GA
Oh Nita honey I feel for you.  While I am only on the beginning end of this I can only imagine.  Look at the bright side - You have carved off 100lbs, given yourself a new lease on life, and likely improved your health tremdously.  When I try to keep that in perspective it seems like a small price to pay.  But then the little vain ego monster comes back out and screams "I want to keep my hair".

Keep up the great work.  You've inspired me today!
on 5/10/11 1:02 am - TX
One word - X-Fusion. 

I started finding hair 4 1/2 months out.  Not clumps, just a nice steady loss.  I really don't think anyone notices a thing, but I noticed!  I bought the X-Fusion thinking it was just another scam, but damned if that stuff doesn't work.  It's just powdered keratin (same stuff your hair is made of), and you sprinkle it on, pat it down, and style your hair as usual.  It thickens the hair you have left and makes the widening parts a lot less obvious.

So, I'm still disgusted by the hair loss, but at least I look marvelous.  And, you know darling, it's better to LOOK marvelous than to BE marvelous! 
on 5/10/11 1:06 am - GA
Major hugs and thanks I will buy some of the X-Fusion!!! And yes it is better to LOOK MARVELOUS!!!  I also saw in Soft Surroundings that they have a powder to put on your part line to make the widening of it due to hair loss not so noticable - I will likely look into that too... Not that I need it yet but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Thanks again!!!
on 5/10/11 1:03 am - Four Corners, NM
Biotin doesn't work for THIS..not WLS HAIR LOSS....BTDT thousands of us have do an OH search if ya don't believe me

 more on what to expect namely phases, supplementing, nutrition

VSG HAIR LOSS +hair+loss/
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