No period, negative pregnancy test... what's happening to me???
Thanks Gin2bthin,
I feel better knowing someone else is going through the same thing as me. Yea it is a good feeling I guess but I've never been without one every since I've started my period many many years But I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going thru menopause without never having children. But I have to wait until tomorrow...
I feel better knowing someone else is going through the same thing as me. Yea it is a good feeling I guess but I've never been without one every since I've started my period many many years But I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going thru menopause without never having children. But I have to wait until tomorrow...
You're not alone! And I doubt you're going into early menopause. Your body is likely just adjusting to the fluctuating hormones.
I have one only one very minor period since surgery in January. I had fully expected the opposite, from what I've read here! Prior to surgery, though, it was not uncommon for me to go a year or more without a period if I wasn't on bc. I don't have PCOS (did extensive testing), it was just my body. I was hoping that major weight loss would have helped make me some what more "normal" in this area, but so far it hasn't. I do plan on making an appt with my PCP soon. He'll probably just put me back on bc, which I suppose works for now.
I have one only one very minor period since surgery in January. I had fully expected the opposite, from what I've read here! Prior to surgery, though, it was not uncommon for me to go a year or more without a period if I wasn't on bc. I don't have PCOS (did extensive testing), it was just my body. I was hoping that major weight loss would have helped make me some what more "normal" in this area, but so far it hasn't. I do plan on making an appt with my PCP soon. He'll probably just put me back on bc, which I suppose works for now.
I am now on my 3rd period since surgery - and it came 2 weeks late - but it came with a vengence I am now on my 4th day of super-duper heavy flow - typical for me is 2 days of heavy flow!!! Will probably be seeing my GYN because I am 51, pre-menopausal and my mom had very, very heavy periods during this time and there is NO WAY I am dealing with these types of periods for years still to come!!
I am also going through this. I had a cycle in April after not having one since Christmas, nothing this month. In January I went to my PCP, they did a urine and blood test pregnancy test. Both were negative. I'm just being extra careful and riding this out until it gets regular again. It sure helps not having a cycle while I'm doing water aerobics!!
OH Support Group Leader
I'm glad I'm not alone in this - I've been regular for 21 years and then my cycle got crazy after surgery - I noticed that when I upped my calories to 800-1000 instead of 300-500 that I got a period again, so I think it has to do with the drastic dieting, because there is absolutely 0% chance that I am pregnant.
Well good news everyone... I'm not pregnant.... (not that I didn't know this already) but the Dr. did a blood test and urine test both were negative. Then this morning, Aunt Flo came in full effect. I was so happy to see But what I can honestly say is I'm glad I'm seeing that I was not a lone in this matter! Thanks for all of the responses!