Bread products

on 5/9/11 5:27 am - AZ
When did you start eating breads and crackers and such and what did you start with?
queen R.
on 5/9/11 5:40 am - enid, OK
My Dr. says no bread, pasta or rice for life.......
on 5/9/11 5:41 am - WA
 I try not to eat any at all.  But occasionally I will have a cracker if there is nothing else around.  As far as bread I dont do it al all.  I am sure I will once I hit my goal. But right now I dont need it. We need protein and until I can get all the protein in for the day I cant eat things I dont need (carbs).  
on 5/9/11 5:41 am - GA
I have had a few crackers they are fine and my Mom has had protein bread and she did fine.
Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself." Anais Nin
"Nothing Taste as good as thin feels" unk
on 5/9/11 5:47 am
I had 5 saltine crackers a few times. I was allowed to have them when I began the "mushie" stage. Once with tuna salad, once with chicken salad, and once I made "sliders" on them. I had not had any bread until yesterday. I ate a small piece of garlic bread but it didn't "sit" well with me. My hubby found Lavash at Walmart and it is excellent. Has protein, and few carbs. My stomach tolerated that very well. I think it is going to be my "go to" when I want bread, crackers, or tortillas from now on.
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

              HW (1/1/2011): 382. SW (4/15/2011): 357. CW (03/29/2012): 275.
                                                Sleeved on 4-15-11                
on 5/9/11 5:50 am - AZ
Is Lavash a flatbread?  I think this is the next step in my diet. I see my NUT on Friday to find out. I hope so.  I have a different cir****tance than most of the foks on this site and I need to get calories and bread is the best way I can think of.
on 5/9/11 6:09 am
The  Lavash I bought is flat bread. It is similar texture to a tortilla. However I did see on the Internet that there are different kinds of Lava**** comes in Pita form as well. My lavash has 50cal. 7 carbs. and 5protein. It is very tasty. It has Flax, Oat, and Whole wheat in it. However it doesn't taste like most things with those ingredients. It is very soft, and did I mention tasty. LOL!
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

              HW (1/1/2011): 382. SW (4/15/2011): 357. CW (03/29/2012): 275.
                                                Sleeved on 4-15-11                
on 5/9/11 1:51 pm - TX
 When I was having a hard time getting calories my Dr. recommended adding carbs.  I know this is different from some advice but that's what I've got...
Still Fawn
on 5/9/11 5:54 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
I started with crackers and flatbread (specifically naan) around 5 weeks out.. I have been eating regular bread, rice, pasta, etc since about 8 weeks out.. I had potatoes in my mushy phase (3rd week) and ever since..

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 5/9/11 5:57 am - Southern, CA
VSG on 01/31/11 with
I started eating multi-grain saltines at about 1 1/2 to 2 months out, once I was good to eat "soft" foods. I use four to make two cheese wedge and turkey pepperoni sandwiches. Unlike most people here I eat very little meat and when I do I have to sandwich it/roll it/hide it in some kind of sucks to be me lol. I did just fine with them however, I was careful to chew it up well so that the cracker became pure mush before swallowing.....I think that is key to keep a lot of different foods from possibly bothering us.
*Hugs* Missy

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