My First Carb Lesson Learned

on 4/27/11 5:08 am - Kensington, CT
As usual this is long winded but I'm rather proud of myself .I am now able to have whole wheat bread and I have been wanting a sandwich and didn't feel like making the oopsie bread.  I bought a package of the 100 calorie sandwich thins.  I made a sandwich yesterday and cut it into 3 and had it through out the day.  For one thing I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would but immediately following I got so tired ...I sat down in front of the TV and next thing I knew it was an hour later....put me right to sleep.  I was a bit groggy for the next hour or so.  I didn't relate it to the sandwich so I had the other 2 pieces and sure enough ....both times I just wanted to go to sleep. 

This morning I made my coffee as soon as I got up and weighed myself while it was brewing as I do each day. NO LOSS.  Now I know that it may not happen every day as it has been but aside from the stall I had I have been losing at minimum a lb a day. I kept thinking about it as I was having my coffee.   I figured I could do one of 2 things.  Let it go and continue to have sandwich's with this bread that didn't do anything for me in the first place or I could NOT.

It has been a beautiful day here and the birds were chirping away early morning.   I opened my sliding door off the kitchen and took that package of sandwich thins and broke it up in to pieces and fed the birds!!!

Not saying I will not look for another alternative sometime in the future but for now I'll stick with my  turkey and cheese roll ups!
Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
(deactivated member)
on 4/27/11 5:15 am
I found the same thing!  I was allowed toasted bread and ate about half a piece, went to sleep and was groggy the rest of the day. 
I gotta tell you, if you throw bread off my porch my bloodthirsty ducks and 3 mean geese will chase you back into the house trying to get the rest of it before it hits the ground! LOL!
on 4/27/11 8:31 am - Kensington, CT

WOW...I've had experience with geese before.  They can be mean.  I have a gopher family that visits every day lately. They eat the grass . I wish they were selective and  would eat the weeds!!

Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
(deactivated member)
on 4/27/11 5:57 am
Good for you!  The carbs are from the devil.  Really, stay away from them if you can.  So many of us are carb sensitive and the worst part is that it becomes a slippery slope.  The longer you can keep away from them the better.  I know some programs allow them, many dieticians think they are OK, I disagree based on experienc with my own body. 
on 4/27/11 8:33 am, edited 4/27/11 8:49 am - Kensington, CT
Thanks Elina. The funny thing is that when you are eating carbs regularly, I don't think you recognize the effects but since I have been white carb free for months with the exception of my one slice of pizza before surgery it's more noticable.
Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
on 4/27/11 6:01 am
You can look at my Monthly weight and see when I thought it would be okay to have some carbs every now and then. I still have carbs (nuts fruits veggies)but I keep it under 40g a day and that works for me. Bread and sweets make me soooo tried I have actually fallen asleep at the table before. It's very odd. Tired and rapid heart rate.


5'6" Start-276 Goal-150  Weight loss   Preop=5  Month 1=25  Month 2=10  Month 3=14  Month 4=3 Month 5=7  Month 6=9 Month 7=7 Month 8=Month 9=9 Month 10=7 Month 11=5 Month 12=5 Month 13=3 Month 14=4    


on 4/27/11 6:55 am - La Puente, CA
OMG i started having raw nuts (almonds and walnuts and snacking on omega mix) I just thought of that as protein didnt think about carbs..thanks for mentioning that. I hate reading labels now you know one of the reasons why I needed the surgery. It takes work to get to a healthy weight and maintain it. I also feel exhausted at times i want to pass out and sleep.
I think my food journaling will solve all these problems.
sometimes we can post something so random and it helps others,
Jan in Cali,  5ft  Sw 224                       
on 4/27/11 8:41 am - Kensington, CT
I'm not totally carb free. I have had carbs obviously in veggies, cheese fruits and shakes but that is it.   I do enjoy a sandwich now and again so I will  make the oopsie bread for now and maybe later on use wraps.  I used to buy cedars wraps that are 5 net carbs and now if I made a sandwich from one of those it would be about 2-3 eating half  a sandwich so not too bad and I would not have one regularly.  Once I can have lettuce I will go back to making my sandwich in a romaine lettuce leaf. 
Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
on 4/27/11 6:51 am - La Puente, CA
thanks for the warning.. I am curious do you have regular coffee they make it here fresh brewed morning and sometimes evening? I miss it. I would drink decafe but I dont care for the taste. Just wondering..I had scramble eggs with chili beans for flavor not alot and now Ive been reading the site for hours and havent done much else. our bodies are amazing internally alerting us to whats best it seems now the outside transition.
You seem to be doing very well..
Jan in Cali,  5ft  Sw 224                       
on 4/27/11 8:44 am, edited 4/27/11 8:45 am - Kensington, CT
Thanks......I use decaf. I buy either Maxwell House or Dunkin Donuts. I used to be able to tell the difference but now I can only tell by the caffeine not taste. I jsut made a pot of chili today and tomorrow I am going to try a pot of Elina's Green Chicken Soup. Divvy it up and freeze it. It's just easier to grab something out of the freezer the night before to thaw than to cook for one with the portions we eat. I'm surprised you can eat the chili. I was on full liquid for 3 weeks. No way my tummy could ahve handled chili back then. Good luck to you!!
Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
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