Interesting facts about the BMI Scale

on 4/25/11 5:41 am - MI
BMI has always driven me insane.  When I was in highschool.. I was 5'1 (still am) and weighed 175.  I was a semi professional extremely compeditive powerlifter and was thin!!  But my BMI said I was obese.. BLAH!!
on 4/25/11 5:43 am - MD
That is ridiculous!!  Well, now you know better...Don't let that stupid BMI scale run your
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HW - 311; SW - 296; CW - 191; 1st GW - 190; 2nd GW - 180?
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." 
on 4/25/11 5:42 am - WA
I've been watching this movie "Fat Head" on Netflix (instant streaming)  - you should check it out! Part of what they talk about is the "obesity epidemic" and how one in four people are obese. Then they show a lot of "obese" people according to the BMI scale, and it is laughable how *not obese* they are. Very interesting movie.
Julie, 5' 3", age 42. Starting weight: 263, Surgery weight: 255
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Kristy R.
on 4/25/11 5:49 am - Santa Clara, CA
 My surgeon uses it as a guide and he hasn't let me down so far.  The range he gave me is one that I am comfortable with and I think will work for me.  It IS just a guide, and not the end all, be all.  If I get near that range and I don't think it is right for me, I will discuss with my PCP/Surgeon.  I agree with the premise of remembering that these are just guidelines and not everyone fits the "ideal".  Best wishes!
~Kristy~ VSG 3/29/11 ~ 15 pounds lost pre-op, SW - 240/GW - 150
on 4/25/11 5:59 am - MD
You are is just a guide but some people treat it as gospel.  My doc never set a goal weight for me...they told me a realistic percentage of excess weight that I could lose. 

I think too that because most of us were obsessed with the BMI scale to classify us as appropriate for surgery...a lot of people continue to use that scale as a guide for success on their way down.  Education is key!!  lol You're right, it's a guide but not one that everyone fits into.
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HW - 311; SW - 296; CW - 191; 1st GW - 190; 2nd GW - 180?
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." 
Kristy R.
on 4/25/11 5:50 am - Santa Clara, CA
 Also, I think you need to apply some common sense..if you are very muscular, I think you will probably be off the charts, LOL
~Kristy~ VSG 3/29/11 ~ 15 pounds lost pre-op, SW - 240/GW - 150
on 4/25/11 5:56 am - MI
Lol!! I know, right... didn't stop my mom or my doctors from saying that I needed to lose weight, I was like "From where!?!!" lol
on 4/25/11 6:14 am - Beverly Hills, CA
This is great information.  When I went to see my surgeon for approval he told me that for a woman 5'4" my normal weight would be 125-128.  I told him my breast weight half of that, come again.   He laughed and responded "let see how you feel at 150-160.  Mercy!
Be Blessed            
on 4/25/11 6:28 am - LA
Ok, I have officially got my laugh in for today. I feel the same way. I think by breast is the heaviest thing on my body.
I could not see my weight at being 125-128. Never. I want to be FINE!!!! again not Skinny. I want to be rid of my medical issues or well maintained ( blood pressure and Diabetes).

I totally agree. Get in your own comfort zone for yourself and health. I just want this tool to bring me health so the scale B etter M ove I t.
on 4/25/11 6:23 am, edited 4/25/11 6:24 am - Four Corners, NM

Ive read some interesting articles lately about BMI vs BAI...and looking to do away with BMI scale alltogether as it is so flawed.
I did the conversions height inches to meters, pounds to kgs, and hips inches to centimeters....on my says Im right on the edge...of HEALTHY...with a score of 23.4 (less than 23 is "underweight")

My BMI says 26 which is OVERWEIGHT I say let's GO BAI!! Like my docs scale says Im 5 pounds...lighter than home scale...YEAH!! or like DRIVERS LICENSE...says Im 125 pounds for the last 30 YEARS!! That BMI **** has got to GO!!

Here's one site...w/ links to calculate yer BAI y-adiposity-index-bai/5774
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