1st Day of Pre-Op diet

on 4/25/11 6:52 am - NJ
After a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with family and friends, today I started my 2 week pre-op diet.  So far I've had 2 protein shakes, both, and lots of water.  It's actually not as bad as I thought, other then the fact that I cannot stop going to the bathroom LOL.   I figured I would want to gnaw my own arm off by now, but I actually feel really energized and I'm off to Zumba class at 7pm.  I figure if the 1st day isn't that bad then it can only get better from here:)
Sabrina R.
on 4/25/11 6:58 am - CA
Hate to tell you this, but Sunday was Easter, not Thanksgiving. Good Luck on your journey! I have 29 more days!
on 4/25/11 7:11 am - TX
I remember that well!! Liquid in - liquid out!!  Hang in there!!  It's all worth it!!!
on 4/25/11 7:13 am - NJ
HAAAAAA.....It was so much food there you would have thought it was Thanksgiving LOL.
Meant to say Easter:)
on 4/25/11 7:37 am

Good Luck to you.  I'm on Day 4 of my all liquid pre-op surgery.  I made it through Easter dinner.....didn't even lick the bowl or batters when I made banana pudding.  My doc has the fear of God in me that if he gets in there on surgery date and my liver isn't looking good then he won't do the surgery.  Don't get me wrong......I'm not enjoying this at all, but in a weird way it's been fun b/c it is literally the first time that I've ever been fully compliant with any diet whatsoever.

My surgery is May 4th.  I feel so good about this decision.  Better than I have about any decision that I ever made in my life. 

We can both get through this part.  I am doing a LOT of self talk and I swear I never realized how many ads there are for food.  Holy crap!!!!!

Good for you on going to an exercise class. 

on 4/25/11 7:53 am
i'm on day 1 of the pre-op surgery diet.  i must say....i am STARVING!!  i have had 2 protein shakes, 2 sugar free jello's, water,water,water and broth.  this is really harder than i thought.  does it get better on day 4? 
on 4/25/11 8:03 am

I finished my two week pre-op yesterday and am on all clear liquids today.
My surgery is tomorrow -
I really had no issues with it, but I did have an advantage. I'm single and live by myself, so I made sure there was nothing in the cupboards or fridge that was NOT allowed.

Day 2-3 I started thinking about cheating but didn't - after that you kinda get into a "zone" and its not that hard. I have lost 20 pounds so far and probably more by tomorrow morning as the all clear liquids are not wasting any time on staying IN my body...

Stick to it - it gives you a jump start, and then the real losing will begin!
best of luck,

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

Lisa S.
on 4/25/11 8:10 am - TX
Good luck to you tomorrow, Ulysses! I am going tomorrow too! I wish you a quick and uneventful surgery! Get well soon!!

on 4/25/11 8:18 am
Right on Lisa!
Ditto on your surgery - I have to be there at 8:00am
Just packing all my stuff and getting ready
Not nervous at all!
VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/25/11 8:46 am - N palm Beach, FL
 First day here too, im lucky im on full liquids untill saturday then clears sat and sunday then surgery monday ...it isnt easy as i was thinking it would be hopefully day two will be better since i will be at work for 12 hours good luck and safe journey to those getting done tomorrow .
God Bless
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