FRUSTRUATED!!!!! Sorry alittle long

(deactivated member)
on 4/23/11 7:20 am
VSG on 03/14/11 with
Too funny, J! Tuesday, yes?
on 4/23/11 7:49 am
It is indeed Tuesday.
At 10:00am (have to be there at 8:00)
I wanna be on the losers bench in a bad way...
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/11 8:00 am
VSG on 03/14/11 with
Awesome! And I bet! We will be thinking of you. Check in when you can and best of luck!!!
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/11 7:00 am
 I'm in Houston Texas with you guys... If you want you can call me over and I'll go an puke on her with my lap-band.  ;)

Chances are she will need it out at one point anyway.

on 4/23/11 8:26 am
Tell that that while you "appreciate her input" you have had a different surgery and is required to follow a different diet.  Also explain that "while she is trying to be helpful" the hurtful things she is saying to you is not going to help a matter of's doing the opposite.

This is clearly the WORK route to go.....  If you didn't work with the creep, I would say to tell he to shove her bad advice (and her band for that matter)  where th sun doesn't shine.

You are doing great sweetie... You will be successful!!!!!!
    Lap Band Surgery 7/29/09......Removal after full slip 10/29/09
    Sleeve really began....1/3/11

Ms Shell
on 4/23/11 9:46 am - Hawthorne, CA
I got that this B*TCH is a co-worker now is she a friend too?  If not I would express to her that she needs to mind her own business and not engage you in conversations that don't pertain to work.  If she persists REPORT her.

Now is you THINK she's a friend...she's of the aspects I have found with surgery is that you are going to have to learn to STICK up for yourself and NOT allow people to bully you.

If she's full of negativity WHY are you dealing with her.  Don't accept her calls.  This is YOUR life and if she can't respect that then she has no business being a part of it.

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 4/23/11 1:25 pm
Your friend sounds like an elementary school bully!!! Really? Saying mean and hurtful things to you? Is this what a good friend does? If you want her in your life for some unforseen purpose, maybe u can give him some literature or educate her yourself on the sleeve. In the meantime. let her know how hurtful her words are...stand up for yourself...but best of all keep following our dr. and nut advice and continue to succeed and prove her wrong.....I had a similar situation with a friend who had the RNY, but she did not say mean things or made me cry...but her negative comments about the sleeve sure inspire me to work the program and succeed on my journey. Good luck.
              "The will of God will not take me where the GRACE of God cannot protect me!"    
on 4/23/11 10:32 pm - Waldorf, MD
VSG on 04/29/13
I am so grateful for my TRUE FRIENDS here of OH!!!! Your comments are really helpful.  I decided that I am not going to let her bother me.  I am doing this for me and so far have lost 40 lbs and I am going to continue to lose more!!!! Thanks so much everyone I LOVE YOU ALL!
on 4/24/11 3:46 am - FL
Sounds Like she is jealous and probably pretty unhappy. She throws up her food or liquids? That would make anyone unhappy. You are doing your best and seeing results. That's awesome. Anorexia is one of the things to look out for with WLS so I've read. Sounds like to me your co-worker is well on her way. You however, are doing what your suppose to. Sounds like to me, she is the one that needs intervention. For her sake you just might want to mention all this to your Dr. if he is the same one she goes to. Keep up the good work!
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