Help! Ok so now Im confused...

on 4/22/11 8:45 am - Sacramento, CA

Ok so yesterday I went to see the surgeon for tha last time b4 surgery and he mad it a point again 2 say are u sure u want the sleeve and not the bypass? I said yes then he proceeded to say well u know the RYN is like the porche and the sleeve is like a mercedes. Basically he is comparing them to cars saying dat the RYN is a better surgery. Im not sure what to think I know I do want the best results. I dont want to dump or have malabsorption dats why I choose the sleeve. Plus I hear alot of ppl on hear saying they have the same success and RYN patients. But if it is better then I guess I really wouldnt mind. I jus want to loose weight & be healthy. So Im so confused My surgery is on May 4th so I guess I have a lil time to change if I need to RYN.

Please help. What are your thoughts on this?


on 4/22/11 8:50 am - TX
My surgeon said pretty much the exact opposite - that VSG is becoming the gold standard for weight loss surgeries.

But the bottom line is, do you want to deal with malabsorption for the rest of your life?  And keep in mind that RNYers malabsorb calories for just a few years, but malabsorb vitamins/minerals for life.  And, although RNYers will lose faster in the beginning, the weight loss statistics pretty much even out between VSG and RNY by the end of the first year.  So, ask yourself why you chose the VSG in the first place.  If that reason is still valid, then stick to your guns. 
(deactivated member)
on 4/22/11 8:54 am
I might be a bit cynical, but did you know that the RNY costs almost twice what the sleeve does?  I wonder if that could have any implications here......   Just saying doctors are businessman too.  Yes, the sleeve has the same stats for losing as RNY with much fewer complications, but you must be sure yourself before surgery. 
on 4/22/11 9:02 am - Washingtonville, PA
Maybe since the Sleeve is relatively new, he is just not as familiar with it as he is with the Bypass. Remember why you are choosing the VSG over the bypass. No malabsorption, No rerouting of your intestines, fewer vitamin deficiencies, and No dumping. In my opinion, I think the Sleeve is better. It definintely has its pluses over the Bypass. Dont let him, or anyone try to talk you out of whatever you decide is the right choice for you. YOU are the one who has to live with your choice. 
(deactivated member)
on 4/22/11 9:04 am
My primary care physician was the one who kept telling me to have the RNY and my gastric surgeon was telling me that the sleeve would be best for me.  It was an easy decision since my primary care giver has never done any wls and my surgeon has done hundreds.

I am 2 months out today and I love my sleeve.
on 4/22/11 9:14 am - Parkersburg, WV
From the experience I have had so far, I do not regret my decision of having the VSG whatsoever. I find new reasons to love it every day. I would not want all of the issues that seem to go along with the bypass.
on 4/22/11 9:19 am - PA
 Hi Kisha,

I would do what you feel most comfortable with.  You are the one that is getting the operation, not your doctor.  Unless he has a specific medical reason for wanting you to have the RNY over the Sleeve, I would stick to your choice.  I am going to get the sleeve procedure as well (June).   I was trying to decide between the two procedures and ultimately decided that the sleeve was the best option for me.  I don't like the idea of re-routing to my small intestines or the malabsorbtion, so the sleeve definitely appealed to me.

My doctor agreed with my choice and told me that due to a medication I am taking, the sleeve is actually what he would have recommended.  He also explained that the sleeve was designed to be the first part of a two part plan with the RNY being the second part of the plan, and has been around for years.  What doctors have discovered is that patients are having great results with just the sleeve procedure, that they do not need to have the RNY done.  That is why it is now being offered as it's own procedure.  

You need to feel comfortable with your decision.  Remind yourself why you picked the Sleeve over RNY and if you still agree with those reasons, you will have your answer.

Good luck and I will say a prayer for you!

on 4/22/11 9:30 am

This decision is in your court,  I wouldn't begin to try to sell you one way or the other.  You have to do the research,  read this board,  read the rny board do the comparisons,  and make the decision that will be the best for you.  It is a life change and it has to be one you can live with. 

Good luck on your decision,  and which ever it is if you follow the plan your dr. gives you,  you are going to do fine

             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

diane S.
on 4/22/11 9:35 am
comparisons to cars are meaningless. and Porches are in the shop all the time. I chose vsg for reasons like you and want to be able to take any medicine i need as i age including advil and aspirin. Your surgeon may be more used to the rny as it was the gold standard for so long but i really think its going to be passee soon. My surgeon who does a zillion sleeves prefers it but will do the rny for people who have some reason they can't do sleeve. and its true the rny is a more costly surgery and takes longer.

go with your instinct. you are the one who has to live with this. dumping sucks - actually i don't know because i have not done it. but it sounds bad. no timefor it.

studies show you can lose as much weight and as fast with a properly done sleeve. I like mercedes better anyway (see pic on  my blog page).  diane

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on 4/22/11 9:46 am
You have to do your research and find out what is going to be the best "fit" for you. I had considered wls previously (three years ago) but had never heard of the sleeve. Once I found out about it, I knew that finally THIS was something that made total sense to me. I didn't want to have a stoma, I wanted my openings and closings to be the origional equipment. I did not want to have a residual stomach that was inaccessable. I did not want malabsorbtion. The sleeve was all of those things that the rny and ds were not.

I have no regrets at all.

And frankly, I am not a speed racer car. I want to get to the finish line in one piece !

Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
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