Ready to Go!!

Mandi E.
on 4/22/11 8:41 am, edited 4/22/11 9:03 am - Kissimmee, FL
So all my pre-op testing is done!! I went to the hospital and surgeon's office today went over all my questions really impressed my surgeon with my questions I might add! I love OH!! You guys gave me the information to ask him! Found out my bougie will be 44 French. He said he didn't want to go smaller because I run the risk of scaring and would have an extremely small pouch. He said we could go to 50 but that was up to me. I told him the smaller the better so let's leave it at 44!! Also, when watching the YouTube videos I noticed some surgeons don't put mesh and just use clips. I was worried about this. He calmed my nerves by telling me he's going to use the staples, then suter up the staple wall, then put mesh, and then put the organic adhesive. He was truly shocked by my knowledge and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I was so excited that I wanted to hug him. He did tell me that I'm doing my part now it's time for you to do yours, but you seem so on track and ready! I'm excited to see you in a year! How great was that to hear from the #2 ranked Bariatric surgeon in the country? He's excited for me to be his patient!! Whooohoo!! Maybe I can be his new spokes model! :D Maybe that will help me afford the plastic surgery afterward! haha!!

So after the surgeon's office we went over to the hospital. Boy was that a treat! (sarcasm implied!) They had never called me to tell me that I had a 12pm appt. Well we showed up at 10:30am. And luckily they weren't that busy so they could get me in to the pre-op labs. Had the my weight taken again (had just done this at the surgeon's office and I was 394.5) there it was 394.7 :( WTF? LOL Also I've been 5`10 since high school. Every height test I've done I've been 5`10. This B*tch was arguing with me that I was 5`9. I'm like honey. How tall are you? "I'm 5`9". Ok well I'm atleast an inch and a half taller wouldn't you agree? "Yes, but you're wearing shoes!" Wow ok!! I was wearing 3/4 inch flip flops...seriously folks? Not the brightest tool in the shed. I asked her if she was going to be in my surgery...apparently she didn't like my tone and moved me to another nurse to handle. LOL Oh well. If you can't get my height right I don't want you in my surgery...sorry...I'm to important! Anyway then went in to meet with Steve my pre-op nurse who asked me a slew of questions about pre-existing conditions. All of which I don't have, then had me sign like the 100,000th consent form! (P.S. I swear that I was signing my life away!! I didn't realize that the paperwork for this surgery was more indepth than purchasing a car or home!!!) Then I met the anesthesiologist's nurse she asked me the same kinds of questions. Laughed when I told her about the height debochel, and said I know who it is..there's a reason she's in pre-op testing! LMAO!! Went over everything, said my lungs sounded great and that there shouldn't be any problems! Also told me how excited she was for me and how beautiful I will be afterward. It's always nice to hear that. Then off to XRay...boy was that an experience!! First thing the woman asked me was to take off my shirt and bra! Ummm can you buy me dinner first? LOL! Thank God she had a sense of humor becuase she was all up on the boobahs!! We did a front chest Xray and then a side Xray. The side picture wasn't co-operating so we had to do that like 4 times. She got real aquainted with my fat and boobs! LMAO. All I can say is thank Jesus she was a chick! Then back to the room I went to get my EKG (FYI...Irene my EKG & Blood lady said I had a perfect heart!! Ohh yeah for the fat girl and her perfect heart!!) Did more blood work and then I signed some more papers and got my info for the 28th!! Whoohoo!! I know I'm not normally this long winded but I wanted to share with everyone my experience today! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!!


"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it!" ~Marilyn Monroe
 HW:422LBs Pre-op:394LBs SW:391.6LBs CW:303LBs GW:190LBs (5'10")
on 4/22/11 8:56 am, edited 4/22/11 8:57 am - TN
Wow, sounds like you had an eventful day!

The 28th! That is just around the corner! How exciting!


ETA: Once when I was younger, I was seeing my PCP and I saw the tech write down in my chart that I was 7' tall. I said, "Oh! I'm not 7' tall!" She said, "I just measured you." I said, "then we need to do it again." lol I'm 5'11"!


Mandi E.
on 4/22/11 9:02 am - Kissimmee, FL
Thanks!!! I'm uber excited!!  
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it!" ~Marilyn Monroe
 HW:422LBs Pre-op:394LBs SW:391.6LBs CW:303LBs GW:190LBs (5'10")
Mary R.
on 4/22/11 9:05 am - OH
 WOOHOO! Thats this coming Thursday..less than a week away. Congrats!!  Youre going to be so happy you did this =) I just found out at my 6 week appt on Wednesday that my dr used a 40fr and I know I cant eat very much at all lol but I love it!!!

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time" 
"Get busy living, or get busy dying" 

Mandi E.
on 4/22/11 9:11 am - Kissimmee, FL
Whoohoo!! Thanks!! Congrats!!  
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it!" ~Marilyn Monroe
 HW:422LBs Pre-op:394LBs SW:391.6LBs CW:303LBs GW:190LBs (5'10")
(deactivated member)
on 4/22/11 9:24 am
Baby girl, you are going to do great!  I can't wait to see your future posts!

Happy losing!!!!!!!!!

(I am just so glad you asked that woman if she would be on your surgical team!!  She so deserved a sit down!  The first nutrition class I went to was headed up by a woman who had all the personality of a wet mop... I asked her at the end of the class if she would be teaching all the classes on Saturday.  She said yes and I changed my appointments to Sundays!  THANK GOODNESS she was not there for the rest of my nut classes!)

on 4/22/11 9:27 am - KS
 I'm so stoked for you!!
My heart is all mine and my mind is free. That's all the revolution; revelation that I need.
Mandi E.
on 4/22/11 9:29 am - Kissimmee, FL
Thanks ya'll!! :D  
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it!" ~Marilyn Monroe
 HW:422LBs Pre-op:394LBs SW:391.6LBs CW:303LBs GW:190LBs (5'10")
on 4/22/11 9:29 am - South San Francisco, CA
That's awesome! I am still in the consultation/6 month wait phase, so it's great to hear that someone is actually getting there!

Best wishes!
Mandi E.
on 4/22/11 9:45 am - Kissimmee, FL
 Thanks Jenni!! You'll get there soon!! Best wishes!! 
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it!" ~Marilyn Monroe
 HW:422LBs Pre-op:394LBs SW:391.6LBs CW:303LBs GW:190LBs (5'10")
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