on 4/21/11 11:04 am

I was thinking the other day how much easier life will be after I lose even 1/2 my EW.
I am one of the "Super Obese" at 6'3 and 440Lbs (I know you are jealous that you are NOT super like me).

Anyway - I tried to visualize what 125 or even 250 lbs would look like (bags of sugar etc).
I equated it to Olympic dumbbells as I used to lift weights all the time.
The amount of fat I am carrying = six 45 pound Olympic weight plates - thats 270 pounds. I started at 460 and my 'ideal' weight would be 185-195 (just a tad under being overweight).
I go through my day getting out of bed, showering, manscaping, getting dressed, up the stairs to my car and off to work. Then I walk 3-400 yards from the parking lot to my building at HP…Then up 4 flights of steep stairs and another few hundred feet to my cubicle. Work 9-12 hours a day, walk back to the car - go to the store/or?  - get home - make dinner - etc etc…I am pretty exhausted after an average day, and don't feel much like exercise or much else.

I then asked myself if a really IN SHAPE person could do this? Take for instance your average nightmare…The guy behind you at the Supermarket with a bottle of $4.00 H2O to buy, he's dressed in his little cyclist spandex, all "lance Armstronged" out, right down to his fat free legs and stupid little biker helmet…You know he/she is looking at you in disgust - and I really could give a ****…But could this menace to cars and traffic everywhere do what I do everyday? Not my job, but just physically making it through MY day?

Take a rope and a wide comfortable neck strap, then attach 3 45LB plates to each side…Ask Mr. Athlete to then dip down, put those weights over his neck and dead lift all 270 pounds. Yay - he got it up! Now ask him to to walk a few hundred yards and then up 4 flights of steps while bearing that weight…Do you think he could do it? Maybe, probably not though…I definitely know that little prissy nightmare could not function carrying that weight around for 24 hours, let alone months and months - years and years.

That's where I came up with the term F-Athlete or "FATHLETE"…No average person could do what we do day in and day out. We have to be in tremendous shape under all our fat-suits to even function in society. The muscles it takes to even rise out of bed or a chair is the equivalent of a dead lift or squat…Yeah we breathe a little heavy and sweat a little more - who can blame us? FATHLETES sweat! FATHLETES work hard….And when we lose this weight - that inner athlete that allowed us to carry this burden around will really shine through.

Next time someone gives you **** about being "Out of Shape" or "Lazy" just remember what a real F-Athlete you are! Most people would crumble, fail and fall in exhaustion doing what we do on a regular basis…I'm not proud to be obese, not at all. But I now realize what tremendous inner and physical strength that we have to have as overweight people just to go through life.

Embrace your inner FATHLETE and be proud!
Next Tuesday I get my sleeve - I can't wait for the burden of this weight to start coming off. I hope someday I will look back at the before pics and be amazed that I even pulled it off at all.


VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

Heather T.
on 4/21/11 11:11 am
Ohh, what perfect timing it was to read this! 

I am 33 days preop and joined the gym.  It seems that EVERYONE at the gym is a perfect size 2 wearing their tiny skin tight shorts and their sports bra.  I see the looks that I get in my grey capris and my extra 130-140 pounds.  I don't care.  Let'em look.  All I can say is water aerobics kicked this FATHLETE's butt tonight! 

Thank you and good luck on your surgery next Tuesday!
sleeve genie
on 4/21/11 11:12 am - Alhambra, CA
Yeah for you,  next tuesday,  super cool.  I wish you much success  I'm sure you'll do just great.   No more lugging all that around everyday.  :o) jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 4/21/11 11:13 am
:)  I like that way of looking at it. 
Good luck with your surgery!! 


My Story: http://mandaswljourney.blogspot.com/
VSG Surgery Date: Jan 20, 2011
on 4/21/11 11:14 am - Buna, TX
Good Luck on your surgery, you're going to do great and I loved the Fathlete post.It is sooo true the looks even if you're grocery shopping for a family reunion they look at your buggy like "are you going to eat all that?" lol.
(deactivated member)
on 4/21/11 11:14 am
Wishing you the best- the energy gains from losing the excess weight will be tremendous!
on 4/21/11 11:17 am - TX
Great perspective! I am so excited for you that you are about to enter the next phase of your life - it's hard at first, but remember - it's all worth it!!!
Tracey W.
on 4/21/11 11:28 am
I LOVE IT!!!!! I'm going to have my son read it because he has self esteem issues. THANK YOU!!!!
Trying to build a better life, one good choice at a time.  
"Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain."-Ruby Gettinger        
on 4/21/11 11:33 am
Your very welcome...
The thought just kind of hit me out of the blue...But, its true!
on 4/21/11 11:31 am - Laurel, MD

Finally a team I won't get picked last for - I'm a star fathlete! 

Lucy  (Imma Loser!)
  LilySlim Weight loss tickers                  
HW 335 SW 311 CW 181.2 -- Goals:  Twoderville - 6/7/11, 280 - 7/1/11, 260 - 8/1/11, 240 - 10/30/11 Centry Club - 11/22/11, 220 - 12/27/11 Onederland - 5/25/12, 180 - , 170 (surgeons goal) -  
We shall see where this leads...  

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