
on 4/21/11 12:10 am
April 5th was my lst of the 6 month medically supervised weight loss program and my package was complete. I had all the letter and recommendation since March. I was told by the coordinator that my package would be sent by the 8th. i have been calling Cigna for the last week and they kept telling me they don't have anything. Called the dr office today to only find out it was never sent. The person who submits the paperwork to the insurance is out of the office and will be out until Monday next week. WTH? I had been corresponding with her for the surgery date and she is always "running out of the office" or will call me back.
Now what are my options other than to wait and continue to try to lose weight on my own?
Follow my progress: www.youtube.com/user/livictori                           
on 4/21/11 12:17 am
Ask for a suerveisor and let them know what's going on. Or, if she is the supervisor I would ask for a call back from the Dr himself. Sorry, that sucks to get the runaround. Can you go down there ? Maybe how up to show how serious you are ?

on 4/21/11 1:12 am - MN
This happened to me, too, with the oops happening on my hospitals side...my claim never got submitted. Believe me I was fired up. Ask your clinic to ask the insurance company to fast track your claim and see if that helps. I got my approval in a week and a half!
Hope this helps!

  Age 49 Height 5'5" HW/280 SW/250 CW/157  
Behind every success is effort...Behind every effort is passion...Behind every passion is someone with the courage to try.
on 4/21/11 1:49 am - LA
Nikki, how are you feeling? We heard from your angel that you had a tough time. Hope all is well with you now!
on 4/21/11 2:30 am
Thank you for asking !! I'm 1 week post op today. It was definitely rough. My surgery took over 3 hours . I had a lot of bleeding for some reason, he had to fix a hiatal hernia that he found and I was out of it for a couple days. I'm starting to feel better everyday though thank you !!

on 4/21/11 2:36 am - LA
No problem! I'm glad that you are doing better. I'm hoping and praying to have an uneventful BORING surgery! I've been scheduled for May 25th, so I'm right behind you! Feel better so we can rock these sleeves like the are supposed to be rocked!
on 4/21/11 3:09 am
Heck yeah !! May 25th will be here in no time !!

on 4/21/11 1:46 am - LA
So there is NO ONE ELSE there to put the paperwork in the envelop and put a stamp or two on it and send it off??? That's kinda ridiculous... I know you must be frustrated, especially after all that time and effort you put into your pre op stuff, and ONE minor technicality screws it up....
on 4/21/11 2:56 am - IN
on 4/21/11 4:09 am

I hear ya -
Once I finished with the shrink and he faxed his thumbs up to my surgeon , they faxed to Anthem the next day...I called 2-3 times for the next week and my Dr's office had not heard back.
I called Anthem: Never heard of it, knew nothing (this is a week later).
Called surgeons office..."Hmm, lets fax it again..."
---more waiting---
Called the office and then Anthem again - s/a, never heard of it - no claim...
-started to get uber pissed myself-
-called to Surgeons office - the insurance lady is on vacation for a week...WTF!!!
-talked to another office person and the bariatric advocate...They faxed it for the THIRD time
-Called Anthem 3 days later....ditto, same F'n thing
So I called my SURGEON and said WTF!
-a day later Anthem had a case/claim # and it was assigned to a nurse "pending review"
-3 days later the girl from Ipanema was back from vacation...Called me with the news I was approved.
--2.5 weeks later Anthem sends me a letter saying I'm approved....Gee Thanks!

Bottom line is to call call call! harass the ever loving **** out of them until you get some answers!
Its just business aqnd numbers to them - they don't realize what have emotionally invested in this decision and the simple "Approved or Denied"....

I just finished my last pre-op meeting with my surgeon, took a EKG and donated more of my blood (and a boatload of $$$)...But I am all green lights for next tuesday at 8:00am!

It took 3 faxes of my info and my surgeon personally chewing asses to get it rolling.
Don't leave it up to them - be a ***** if needed...i was an A-Hole about it...Hell, the Hospital and surgeon are making Uber Dollars on this.
Actually my surgeon and his team are really good - Anthem BC/CA are the ones *****ally screwed the pooch..

Good luck


VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

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