1 month post sleeve surgery...

on 4/21/11 7:57 am - ME
         Hello everyone, Monday was 4 weeks post op for me. I have done very well thus far. This week I have started craving soda again. I know I can't have it, and my family is so helpful, but I just want it....just a little bit. Its the bubbly fizzy taste I am missing. I was not a huge soda drinker many 16 oz of Coke a week. What do I do....I miss it so much :o(
Susan M.
on 4/21/11 8:05 am
 Oh that's tough. I quit drinking Diet Coke 2 months before surgery, but I turned to chocolate to comfort those cravings, knowing that surgery would end that indulgence as well. Chocolate is obviously not an option here.

How about some Crystal Light? During the pre-op liquid protein phase, I finally had to have something besides protein shakes and plain water. Raspberry Ice Crystal Light actually tasted so good (sure, nothing like a Diet Coke, but better than no-taste water).  I don't know if this will even help you because those cravings can be so strong, emotionally, physically and psychologically.

Hang in there. Your craving will most certainly pass. And good luck.
on 4/21/11 8:22 am - MN
My son had a coke about a week ago, I poured 2 ounces into one of those "dumb" little cups and let it sit out for a couple hours, was pretty much flat.  Then I sipped at it for about 10 minutes.  Satisfied the craving and havent wanted any since.
on 4/21/11 9:13 am

Quitting my Diet Coke habit has been the WORST thing I have had to do pre-op.
I am on day 10 of the pre-op - I don't mind that...But am missing my bubbles bad!
- I have seen on other posts that some people can/are drinking it in moderation...But as always - best advice is to follow the plan.

I like the drinking it semi-flat idea.

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/21/11 9:35 am
I was a diet pepsi no caffiene fanatic and so i don't go too crazy, I fill up a cup with soni**** and then pour the pepsi over the ice.  The ice pretty much makes the pepsi flat because it melts it but I mainly just eat the ice with a tiny taste of pepsi on it.  By the time I get to the bottom of the ice the pepsi is flat and I don't really want it.  Today am so thirsty and it is driving me a little bonkers.  I am on second or third cup of ice.  Making me wonder if my iron is low again.

I don't want sugar anymore, everything taste overly sweet.  Was craving salt when I first came home but that is over.  What next, lol?
Mary K

Mary's trying to get healthy:

on 4/21/11 9:55 am - CA
i was just saying the other day on here that i missed my diet coke. I miss that burning feeling in my throat after i down a can on a hot day. so i feel ya!
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