Obese Ollie... needs love too.. here kitty kitty.....

on 4/19/11 3:51 am - CA
Meet Ollie.... My "little kitty" Apparently obesity runs in the family. My four year old son told me today that he loves being able to hug me now... but I just have just been happy with my body like Ollie. That he and Daddy are skinny and Max, Ollie and I are fat and we "just have to be who we are"
FML... I am now on the level with our super obese cat! Perhaps Ollie needs a little Sleeve action?

Meet Obese Ollie... he understands our struggle....

Hiding his face in shame....

HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

on 4/19/11 4:00 am - New Orleans
Sounds like my not-so-little Jack Russell, Rascal... I've had to start restricting his food.  I joke that I'm gonna get him a puppy VSG.

Current weight: 170 lbs.

Once I reach goal, this cow will be killed & eaten... 2 ounces at a time.

Total includes 56 lbs. lost on 2-month low carb pre-op diet.  Start date 9/13/10.

on 4/19/11 4:18 am - MN
We have 2 Beagles and 2 cats. Elliot is our fat cat, 20 pounds, whom we know is the alpha of the pack. When he cops a "tude" the Beagles know not to mess with him. He will chase them into the kitchen, then lie in wait for them where he chases them again. They bark and bay at him...he smacks them upside the head every chance he can get.

Yes, we live in a crazy house.

  Age 49 Height 5'5" HW/280 SW/250 CW/157  
Behind every success is effort...Behind every effort is passion...Behind every passion is someone with the courage to try.
on 4/19/11 4:12 am
fat cats are the only way to go!! I am allergic and can't have one but my aunt has a super obese orange long haired tabby....her name is KitKat and she looooves me because I'm the only one who gives her treats anymore. (i sneak them)...lol KitKat is such a cuddle bug and a sweet heart.   me some fat cats...Ollie is just fine being super obese.
on 4/19/11 4:13 am - Norfolk, VA
Awww welcome to the club Ollie and you are not obese missy! look at those numbers in your ticker you have alot to be proud of!
on 4/19/11 4:31 am - Detroit, MI
Omg he's so freakin cute!!
on 4/19/11 4:50 am
No size discrimination here..........I love "*******"   of ALL size!

JIMBO...  350lbs! lost!.....  TRIPLE CENTURY CLUB!!  HELL ...YEAH!  
MY  VSG......KICKS ASS!                                                                                                                                                                                      

 I  am   6' 2"    

on 4/19/11 4:55 am - CA
 LOL hahahahahahha in that case where were you when I was at by biggest! JERK! hahahaha
HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

on 4/19/11 4:58 am, edited 4/19/11 4:59 am - New Orleans

Just as long as they're hairless.

Current weight: 170 lbs.

Once I reach goal, this cow will be killed & eaten... 2 ounces at a time.

Total includes 56 lbs. lost on 2-month low carb pre-op diet.  Start date 9/13/10.

on 4/19/11 5:06 am - CA
HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

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