No Pre-Op diet required so when should I stop eating food

on 4/18/11 10:59 am
VSG on 04/21/11 with
Well I must do clear liquids all day on before surgery. I have been low carbing for several weeks and have lost weight. But I am on Thursday and was just putting myself on shakes to clear my stomach, etc but one I'm starving and two I'm thinking why torture myself. I really want some sushi. My surgery is Thursday morning what do you think?
on 4/18/11 11:02 am
My doctor said no large meals 2 days before surgery.  Sushi won't make a difference as long as you don't eat a ton of it.  Remember, you Will be able to have it after surgery, so don't feel the need to stuff yourself :)

Good luck and congratulations!!!
    Lap Band Surgery 7/29/09......Removal after full slip 10/29/09
    Sleeve really began....1/3/11

on 4/18/11 11:14 am
I had surgery on 3/29/11, which was on a Tuesday. I ate the whole weekend, like it was the last supper! That Monday I was on liquids all day and that was it. Its ok to enjoy a little sushi, don't starve yourself.
on 4/18/11 12:07 pm
I am not required to do any pre-op diet either, but like you I went ahead and did it (doing it) anyway. I had a "last meal" of a ribeye, steak fries, ice cream etc...But the 1st day of my personal pre-op I thought....OH NO! SUSHI!!! Its even in my blog here on OH, I LOVE sushi and should have had it as I understand rice (especially the sticky sushi rice) will no go down well.
I even prepare my own sushi and have sushi parties....That is the one food that I will miss.
I say go for the sushi! Have all your favorite rolls and splurge on some Hamachi...
Sushi will "clear out" fairly quick anyway.

Good luck with your surgery and have a dynamite roll for me!

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/18/11 12:53 pm
VSG on 04/21/11 with
LOL! Ok I had I'm good. Protein shakes tomorrow then clear stuff on Wednesday - I'm on my wau to that 'Losers" bench.
on 4/18/11 8:02 pm - Germany
 My surgery was on a Tuesday my last meal was on Sunday and it was liquids then on out.. 

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