Waiting to be approved. Yuck!

on 4/18/11 4:54 am - MI
I'm sure waiting to be approved by your insurance co. isn't the hardest part of this process, but it sure seems like it. I can't seem to get out of this funk/depression. I call every other day, and I keep hearing it's still pending. How long did it take for everyone to get approved/denied? Oh and I finally figured out (I think)how to add my picture to the avatar, so you guys can actually see who you're talking to. I am so grateful for this forum, other than my DH you guys are keeping me from checking into the haha hotel. Thanks to everyone of you. Tricia
on 4/18/11 5:14 am - WI
Hello,  It is very stressfull to wait and not know whats going to happen.   My insurance company took less than a week befor I got my approved letter.  Then I had to hound my Surgeons office for a date.   One thing my Nurse told me is they can call and check on your status as well and that often times expedites things.   Have your Dr's office call and check.  Maybe that will help.  Good luck and relax... Its all a part of a stressfull process that in the long run will get you to the health you deserve.

on 4/18/11 5:59 am - Carey, OH
VSG on 04/27/11 with
My insurance company took a week to approve me and yes the waiting is a killer...Ill keep my fingers crossed for ya..Good luck on your journey..
on 4/18/11 6:13 am - NJ
It took about 2 weeks for me to get an approval from my insurance company, but I think the delay was with my dr's office.  I believe my paperwork sat around because the coordinator was out sick and she was the only one that could handle my case.  My estimate is that it should have been about a week in total.
Hey BTW, fill me in on how to get my pic as my avatar?  I can't seem to figure that one out yet
on 4/18/11 6:53 am
Sunshine115 -
I feel your pain.

My surgeons insurance coordinator submitted to Anthem BCBS, CA a total of THREE TIMES before someone finally picked it up.
March 15th - submitted (everything, psych, surgeon, NUT, PCP, testing)
I called Monday the 21st - they claimed they never heard of it or received it.
March the 22nd - insurance submitted for the second time
Called March 28th - a week later...NOTHING! I'm getting pissed at this point and was like WTF is the issue here???
March 29th Insurance submitted for the 3rd time!
March 30th My surgeon calls Anthem and demanded to speak with whoever was in charge - what a great guy!
Same day, March 30th - Insurance received/confirmed and assigned to a case worker/nurse.
Then starts the dreaded....PENDING
More Pending
Still Pending/Under review
April 4th...PENDING
April 8th - Still PENDING and under review
The weekend of April 9th and 10th the PENDING Monster visited my dreams/nightmares - it had actually killed Chuck Norris before setting it's sites on me.
April 11th call drom my surgeons office.........Drum Roll - APPROVED!!!
Yeah! I could NOT believe it...I'm a guy, but I felt like I just gave birth to Pendings Red Headed Step Child...GAWDS!
BTW: Just last Friday (two weeks after i was approved) Anthem sent me a letter saying I was approved.....IDIOTS!
So chin up sunshine115 - it will happen!
I hate the word pending now - but I will have my sleeve in a week!
Best of luck,
VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/18/11 8:55 am - CA
Hi Sunshine

It took my dr's office about 6 weeks to get all my pcp info, nut, psych, endo results together and then another week from the day they sent it in until the day they called me with my approval. Got my surgery 12 days after approval. It seemed like it took forever but I guess not in reality. I have Aetna PPO Open choice.

I did almost drive myself crazy. You are not alone!

                          HW 233 SW 220.2 CW 157.6 GW 150
on 4/18/11 11:00 pm

it took Aetna 2 days to deny me.  I'm now in appeal...the longer it takes, the better I feel.  if they were going to deny me, they would likely do it immediately.

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