Ok..so I finally had the guts to do it..

on 4/17/11 3:30 pm - TX

Dude, you're rockin' the hell outta that sleeve!

I'm proud of you for posting your pictures.  Keep up the good work.





on 4/17/11 3:37 pm - Austin, TX
 Holy moly! Awesome! Congrats!

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

on 4/17/11 3:55 pm - Tehachapi, CA
Seriously??!! Wow! Go you! That is amazing in 4 months! You look great!
Highest BMI & Weight during VSG journey -- 44.5 / 259
Current BMI & Weight -- 37.8 / 220
on 4/17/11 6:29 pm - KS
 Thank you EVERYONE who commented. I appreciate it :)
My heart is all mine and my mind is free. That's all the revolution; revelation that I need.
on 4/28/11 2:24 am
I'm super late to the game here (just coming back after not being online for a week after surgery), but congratulations! The difference is amazing!
on 4/28/11 3:01 pm - KS
 Thank you!  How are you feeling??
My heart is all mine and my mind is free. That's all the revolution; revelation that I need.
on 4/28/11 10:09 pm
Feeling great, doing fine. I came back to work a week after my surgery, and everything is going good. I'm wearing jeans from 3 years ago today (a skinnier phase) and they're too big!
on 4/28/11 6:28 am
    Hey bro....late to the party too!  I hate that some of these post get buried so quick....if you don't go back several pages you never see them! 
     Anyway....I already told ya how great ya look and what a kick ass job you are doin the other day.   I did want to say....From one "super big boy"  to another....Don't be ashamed of "who you were"  This was a "reality" for many of us!  It is a great motivator ....to keep you from getting there again!  "If we forget/deny our past/history.....we are doomed to repeat it!"  and all that **** KWIM?  
     You have made a big commitment to CHANGE your life....be proud of that!   This is THE place to feel safe posting this kinda stuff.....we ALL get it...ya know?  Hey I carry a pic of my befores on my key-chain.....show it to people all the time.  A picture IS worth a thousand words!  I NEVER want to forget...."that man"  I WAS......keeps me motivated.....I hope you will feel the same one day soon.....I'm proud of you man.   


JIMBO...  350lbs! lost!.....  TRIPLE CENTURY CLUB!!  HELL ...YEAH!  
MY  VSG......KICKS ASS!                                                                                                                                                                                      

 I  am   6' 2"    

on 4/28/11 3:02 pm - KS
 Really appreciate that brother. Really. And you're right. 
My heart is all mine and my mind is free. That's all the revolution; revelation that I need.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/11 10:16 pm - GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with
Ditto what Jim says and its oh so true.  The folks we were did the best they could with what they had.

We know different now, we have a different tool in our belt, and when we realize we can do amazing stuff, WE CAN!  :} 
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