There are no NEWBIES

on 4/17/11 3:47 am
Ok, so after wandering back off a board where people were being slammed because they're new to OH, I wanted to say a couple things:

1. I am sooooo happy that on the VSG board, people are KIND and CONSIDERATE. Yo guys are GREAT!

2. NONE of us are "newbies" to weight loss, weight gain or obesity! 90% of us spent over a year researching surgeries and made a VALID decision to change our lives drastically.

3. Everyone's opinion matters!

4. People should try to like each other and not hurt others because they have a different opinion about something. Belittling and berating just makes the attacker look ridiculous.

WHEW! I was pissed off! Thanks for letting me vent!


HW: 250 SW: 224 GW: 135 CW: 124

on 4/17/11 3:53 am - Laurel, MD
 You are sooooo right.  Not everyone will agree, but we all have valid points!


LilySlim Weight loss tickers


                 46yrs old  5'4'' HW 306  AW  288  SW 276 CW 192  205                                                  Next goal <199     



Jennifer M.
on 4/17/11 3:54 am - Goodyear, AZ
 if people are acting like that on the other boards thats a damn shame. everyone here comes to the boards for support and friendship, that would be the polar oppisite! Vent away Jeni!! 
 ...a work in progress...    
on 4/17/11 3:55 am
Lol... Ever have one of those moments when you just can't type fast enough to get the words on the screen? Whew... I feel better already!


HW: 250 SW: 224 GW: 135 CW: 124

on 4/17/11 5:09 am - Bremerton, WA
Wow!  You said exactly what I've wanted to say for a couple of days.  In fact, I think you posted on a post where the girl got slammed by some very nasty people on the main forum.  I agree, this board has nothing but loving support and encouragment and I appreciate that so much.  This board is the best!
sleeve genie
on 4/17/11 4:11 am - Alhambra, CA
I love our board,  we are all on the same journey,  just at different points along the path,  we can always learn something or else why bother  :o) jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 4/17/11 4:23 am - Amboy, WA
I total agree. We are here to support each other and receive support in return. There is no reason to be so mean to others as I have seen on another forum.  This board is fabulous!
Starting Weight-228.6, SW-221.4, CW-173 GW-125
on 4/17/11 4:25 am - OH
I know what your talking about, I tried several boards before I found this one, the others were so nasty, I'm sooo thankful I stumbled on the site, the support is awesome.

     I'm Still a work in progress, I wont give up the quest to reclaim my life, I will be whole again someday!
                          HW297 SW269 CW149.2


on 4/17/11 4:34 am
I agree!!!!  This board is the most welcoming and friendly and respectful!!!  As stated before me - we are all on the same's nice to be able to share some highs and lows too!!!
on 4/17/11 4:48 am - WI

I was thinking the same thing the other day.  I have visited another sleeve board and wasnt nearly as comfortable and didnt get as good ideas.   I have visited the DS board and rny board here when I was trying to decide.   This is by far the best forum and It makes me look forward to visiting several times a day.

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