6 months surgiversary with before and now pictures!

on 4/15/11 5:06 pm - Sullivan, MO
Thank you, Susan! Your big day is fast approaching. Good luck to you.
5'5 HW 238 / SW 198 / GW 130 / CW 119....Goal Reached in 8 short months..
on 4/15/11 1:11 pm
Whoo hoo!  You look GREAT!!!!  TFS!
Surgery Date: 4/27/11 Dr. Aceves
on 4/15/11 5:08 pm - Sullivan, MO
Whoo hoo! Thanks! Hey, Im old....whats TFS? lol
5'5 HW 238 / SW 198 / GW 130 / CW 119....Goal Reached in 8 short months..
on 4/15/11 1:59 pm - Kensington, CT
You look fantastic and so happy for you for all your other positive changes!!!
Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
on 4/15/11 5:09 pm - Sullivan, MO
Thanks Didi........You are now one month out! Things change so quickly. Hang on and good luck in your journey!
5'5 HW 238 / SW 198 / GW 130 / CW 119....Goal Reached in 8 short months..
on 4/15/11 2:09 pm
I LUV your post!!!!! Random thoughts are great motivation, at least for a newbie like me with so many doubts and pictures look amazing!!!!  I cant beleive you're only 6 months out!  If you say you're not exercising, how much protein do you get in??? Tell me you're secret!!! It doesnt look like you have any skin issues either, which is something that worries me, have you done anything to help that????  Thanks for sharing!
on 4/15/11 5:25 pm - Sullivan, MO
Thanks! Generally, I get in close to 90 gms protein per day. I had been kind of stalled the last few weeks so I started experimenting 3 days ago. I upped my protein to over 130gms each day and dropped 2 1/2 lbs. Maybe it was a coincidence? I dont think so though. That being said, it would be impossible for me to eat 130gms of dense protein per day. So, I had (2) 30 gm protein shakes, (2) 20gm protein bars....some chicken, beef and cheese.
Most days I keep my carbs between 30-40gms. Obviously, my protein bars had 17gms each, so I went way over on those three days for carbs. Oh well, upping the protein really seemed to do the trick.
As far as the skin goes.........Yes, its an issue. I have loose skin with odd vertical lines from under my chin to my adams apple (if women have those?). I have bat wings.....they arent horrible, but are annoying. I would never wear a tank top right now. My stomach above my belly button is ok. Below the belly botton.......UGLY. I have had three 10lb babies though. The lower stomach used to sit in my lap and completely cover my privates. It doesnt do that anymore, but, its still squishy and hangs some. Honestly, I think if I got a pannilectomy (sp?), I could easily be down to a size 6. Usually, jeans get big in the legs, butt and hips before they loosen up on my waist.
Dont be worried about skin issues. Loose skin in my size 8 or fat in my size 22's......yeah, I will take the 8! Good luck to you!
5'5 HW 238 / SW 198 / GW 130 / CW 119....Goal Reached in 8 short months..
on 4/15/11 3:50 pm

That is an amazing transformation - you look GREAT!
Loved your random thoughts list too

on 4/15/11 5:26 pm - Sullivan, MO
Thanks........Im random like that. Good luck to you!
5'5 HW 238 / SW 198 / GW 130 / CW 119....Goal Reached in 8 short months..
on 4/15/11 4:44 pm
cha ching. Great look
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