Had my 3 mos check-up w/my surgeon today...

on 4/13/11 5:28 am, edited 4/13/11 5:33 am - Apopka, FL
I've lost 36 lbs so far. They are pleased with my weight loss (even though I thought I was a slow loser). Said they would like to see a 30% loss of your excess weight at this time & I'm at 40%, so I'm technically ahead of the game a bit. But I was told I need to increase my milk/yogurt consumption. It's not that I don't like it, I was shying away from it because I have having some lactose intolerance issues right after surgery. I've been eating a lot of cheese & thought I'd be okay in the calcium dept, but they said cheese counts as protein & not towards your calcium intake. My bad! And my surgeon got on to me for my fluid intake big time! I still am not managing the 60+ oz a day..only averaging about 45 or so. He said something that really drove it home for me & something I never thought about. He said if I got a common GI virus, I'd likely end up in the hospital dehdyrated with the risk of having my kidneys shut down!! Really?! That scared the crap out of me!! He said if I was only getting what I'm getting now to multiply that by 7 & that's how much of a deficit I'd be in for my fluid intake. Do ya'll undersatnd what he's saying cause that part kind of went over my head!! I knew getting in fluids was important, but I guess I really never knew why technically. So, I'm definitely going to make more of a concerted effort to drink more!! Also, he said he wants me to start resistance type exercising. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I've heard about Reboundair trampolines. Is that considered resistance exercise? Thanks!!!
on 4/13/11 5:42 am
WOW...that does put the water intake into prospective!!  I'm at 2 mos and also struggle to just get 45 oz a day.  Thanks for posting!!!

  Pre-Op Weight 264      Day of Surgery 257     VSG 2/16/11
on 4/13/11 5:57 am
"He said if I was only getting what I'm getting now to multiply that by 7 & that's how much of a deficit I'd be in for my fluid intake. Do ya'll undersatnd what he's saying cause that part kind of went over my head!!"

You said you're only getting in about 45oz or so per day, so...

45 x 7 = 315

He means you'd be 315oz short of where you need to be for proper hydration in the event of a GI virus... so yeah, drink more!

It might help to pick up on of those Nalgene bottles that hikers use and just keep it with you throughout the day.  They hold 32oz, so if you can get in 2 of them per day, you'll be on track.

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on 4/13/11 5:59 am
No, they're more cardio.If you want to do resistance training at home a band would be good, they sell them everywhere. You can do squats, push-ups, lunges, free weights, etc. Before you begin any resistance training buy a book or watch a vid on the internet to make sure you have proper form.
on 4/13/11 6:01 am - Germany
 I did not know cheese counted as a protein well I guess I have been getting in plenty of protein lmao.. 

GW 1: 200 COMPLETED! 193-Feb 15th 2011
GW 2: 160 COMPLETED! 160-May 12th 2011
GW 3: 140 COMPLETED! 140-June 17th 2011
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on 4/13/11 9:15 am

Hi F2F,

"resistance type exercising" is another way of saying lifting weights. Now these weights can be resistance bands or actual free weights/machines. Its arguably the BEST excercise one can do for your metabolism and weight loss. Even more so than cardio, as extra muscles burn more calories even when you are sleeping...

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

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