3 weeks out and I'm eating everything!! help!

on 4/11/11 3:40 pm - TX

Thanks for your input. I imagine you are right. I am a work in progress for sure...But then again Brian up there had beer and hot dogs right up until surgery and is well on his way to thin-ness so maybe there is some magic left for me!
Wow! Congratulations! I can't believe you are that thin! 148 lbs!! That must be surreal...I haven't weighed that since I was 7--for real.

on 4/11/11 4:05 pm
Yah.... I thought I was dun at 175lbs. but my surgeon and I fine tuned it 5lbs. at a time to 150lbs. as my weight.

It is surreal to think I was a Lineman in HS football....... And I went from fifty four inch pants to 31"

Last time I was one forty eight was in the 7th grade.

Remember it's not automatic.....you gotta do work.....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 4/11/11 4:57 pm

Oi Firecap!

I am starting a voluntary 2 week pre-op diet tomorrow. My surgeon didn't tell me not to eat, or have any special pre-op diet (and he's the head of a Bariatric Center of Excellence). He just said not to GAIN any more weight before my surgery. I figure it can only help, not hurt; and gives me a jumpstart on the new lifestyle (which is in exactly 2 weeks!).

So tonight I had a huge well marbled Ribeye steak with garlic butter and mushrooms over it. Fried potatoes, and shrimp. And I am finishing off a Papa Murphy's Take-N-Bake Pizza leftover from last night while watching a movie. So yep, I ate everything at my pad 2night...I don't feel guilty about it either as I have nothing but low carb, liquid diet protein shake stuff left in the fridge and cupboards.

I have a lot of weight to lose, but the guy's seem to lose it a lot faster...
Soon, I'll be Ron F'n Burgundy
"Give her two tickets to the gun show...And see if she likes the goods!"

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/11/11 8:56 pm - MD
First, NICE FISH!  Lots of protein there.
Now, here's the deal from the old man - that's me. 
I was 425 lbs. and, since my soon-to-be-retiring dietitian didn't take my pre-op too seriously, I didn't either - until I realized that the 20 lbs. I had lost had all come back - and then some.  I now have a wonderful new dietitian.  She makes our nutrition program "doable."
On my own, a month pre-op I gave up alcohol (a big contributor to my obesity) and combining that with my 2 week liquid diet, I lost 20+ lbs. prior to surgery.

Now, at 4.5 mos. post-op, I've lost 112 lbs.  I've also lost diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and what wifey calls, "general grouchiness."  My grandson says that I'm not just "shrinking," but that I'm getting younger as well.  He is very smart, my grandson.

At 65, I was an active fat-guy; but often out of breath and not able to do many things I wanted to do - but mostly, I was certain that my co-morbidities would end my life of comfortable retirement far too soon.  So I dedicated myself to this VSG program - the surgery, the diet, the exercise, I fully committed to it as the best strategy to get me to a better place.  I'm getting there.

I exercise to burn 500 calories every single day - no days off, ever. Over the past week I have walked 27 miles including 2 rounds of golf pushing my clubs; I walk an aerobic 3 miles minimum every day - no days off, ever (oh, I said that again - it must be important, huh?)  I log every step of exercise on my pedometer and I log every bite of food that I consume on my computer.  I do not lie to myself any more about my obesity or what I need to do to conquer it.

I have marshalled an army of supporters to help me in my journey - I sought counsel from others pre-op and I regularly attend 3 support group meetings a month.  Everyone who loves me is sharing in this extraordinary transformation - they know how hard I work and they share my pride of accomplishment.  (My personal opinion is that those who feel they must keep their WLS "in the closet" are simply asking for more mental anguish and that perhaps they really haven't gotten in touch with their obesity.)  At 65, I choose to live a life of complete honesty - no half-truths for me.  I left any shame I had about my obesity in the OR along with 85% of my stomach.  I veiw WLS the same way I view my heart procedures of 15 years ago - as necessary, life-saving medical miracles. 

I eat 4 mini-meals daily @ about 4-hour intervals.  I do not snack or graze (a few almonds, maybe, but that's it).  I have a protein shake for breakfast every day - boring? yep, that's the point, no food choices to make in the a.m. except which flavor of Unjury to chose.  Other than the protein shake, I eat a pretty "normal" diet - high in protein, very low in sugar, low in fat, sorta-low in carbs (no bread, crackers, little pasta or rice) but I'm not an anti-carb Nazi like some.  I eat 1100-1200 calories per day - every day. 

I still have more than 60 lbs. to lose to reach my goal-weight - I will get there before wifey and I leave on our big "incentive" trip to Italy in September.  We leave next week for a week of golf and sun in ***** Cana - I'll be on the beach but only as a mid-size whale this year.  Life is good.
Good luck to you.

on 4/12/11 1:16 am
I miss offshore fishing....I need to go back out asap....

That being said, I had no pre-op diet, but I didn't go too crazy. Ate like I always did but made sure to make a list of places I wanted to hit before surgery. I actually ended up losing a few pounds in the months leading up to it. I think that was partly from the stress of having surgery coming up and getting my money together.

I'd recommend up until you have to do your set pre-op to make a list and eat a normal meal one last time. I think you will realize after surgery, and some time after, you will be able to enjoy many of teh same things. I know I do. But the quantity is much, much less.
Kristy R.
on 4/12/11 1:19 am - Santa Clara, CA
 Ah - the dreaded "last supper syndrome".  Here is what I learned pre-op - I would NEVER run out of things I wanted to eat "just one more time".  So where does it end?  I came to that realization and just stopped.  I also thought about a McDonalds burger - took me less than a minute to eat one.  So - was it worth that 1 minute of false pleasure to be morbidly obese?  No, it is not.  

Best wishes to you on your journey!
~Kristy~ VSG 3/29/11 ~ 15 pounds lost pre-op, SW - 240/GW - 150
George B.
on 4/12/11 3:44 am - Miami, FL
I did not have a pre-op diet requirement and I ate all my favorite foods like they were going to run out. I ate out so much before my surgery that I got bored with all the food and even lost a few pounds. I was eating whatever I wanted till 12 hours before surgery.

Post-op, much to my amazement, I was not hungry and I didn't crave foods. It's been easy to lose weight when you're not hungry and have restriction. I eat and I'm satisfied and full with a small portion, never thought this would happen. 

Many of the foods I once loved and craved I no longer like even if I can eat them. Your taste in food changes post-op. Food I once loved are now blah.

Good luck,

on 4/12/11 6:27 am
When I found out that I was going to be able to have surgery I went wild eating.  I wanted everything and craved everything.  Now that my surgery is less than a month away I have slowed down and back to a more "normal" eating...I have to start the slimfast diet on the 25th of this month....my surgery is on the 9th.  I am nervous and excited.  I think we will be okay...it is that fear that we will never get to eat again which isn't true.,.we will just be eating differently.  I for one and am ready for that....I am so tired of being overweight.  I have dealt with it since third grade...I am just ready for the change....yes, it won't be easy but it will be worth it!!!
Kimi T. 
"Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise."
Maya Angelou

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