Eula "Evie" R.
on 4/11/11 11:58 am - Mount Nebo, WV

Hi All,
I think I feel bad because I gained and so many of you were suffering to stay on your pre-opt diet. I really feel like I failed you all, myself and Dr. I had to count calories the first 3 months. I did great for 2 months lost about 10 lbs. Then I don't know what happen. I have had a lot of stress and that means food. I know that I have to and want to change my way of thinking about food and God help me that I will be able to do that. I see were people lost pre-opt and I feel guilty, letting my friends down. Now, I don't know what my surgeon will say about this gain. I did it to my self. No pity  from anyone, just feel like I had to confess this to my friends here. Really need your prays.
God Bless everyone

Tawni F.
on 4/11/11 12:02 pm - TX
 Well its a good thing you are not perfect because I dont want to be on the same sight as a bunch of perfect people!!!     hang in there, your only human.......
on 4/11/11 12:09 pm - Bremerton, WA
 I agree with Tawni, we are not perfect otherwise we wouldn't be here.  And, he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone...
on 4/11/11 1:40 pm

Let me ask you a pretty easy straight up question...

Why are you having this surgery???

Is it because you have TRIED losing weight before and it DID NOT work for you?

Well there you go, if we could all lose weight with diet and exercise and KEEP it off then WLS would not be an option. If everyone tried and succeeded with the sometimes required and ridiculous 6-month diet attempt - then nobody would get approved. We would all be thin, healthy and happy - the Insurance companies would be thrilled! Hell...WE would all be thrilled!

Fact is, regular diets do not work for us, that is a fact. If everyone here could maintain and continue their pre-op loss then we would not need bariatric options. Screw that 6 month diet, its unfair and a double edged sword. if you suceed, nay-sayers and the Insurance can say - "There you have it, no WLS needed". And if you fail? BFD!

BTW: you did not FAIL anything, its not a test. Its big insurance trying to make it as hard as possible for you to have a medically necessary, life saving/changing procedure.

Best wishes and chin up Evie!


VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/11/11 1:50 pm
girl, forgive yourself right now, ok? Tomorrow is a new day. It is SO HARD for us to lose weight without the surgery, that's why we get it!!!! its just.... its not that simple. ever. its just not.
HW 309 SW 268 CW 196

on 4/11/11 1:57 pm - LaPorte, TX
Well lets see when I started the process I weighed 303 then worrying about it I gained to 318.Got on lean shake gnc the week before lost 12back to square one .Now I am out a little over a month down 46ils.Girl If I can admit that then you should have no problem!!! Refuse to lie to myself lol
  First month since VSG 33  2nd 14 lbs 3rd12lbs 4th10lbs 5th10lbs 6th 9lbs 7th 13lbs 8th 13 lbs  9th 2 10th 6 11th bounced 175-180 12th  bounced  13th 2 lb cw(164)      
on 4/11/11 2:06 pm - Vancouver, WA
Don't feel guilty, if you could do it by yourself you wouldn't need the surgery. I'd say it's just more nerves acting up for you so just tell them to settle down cause you're gonna have this surgery and you are gonna do it right and lose this extra weight.
on 4/11/11 2:13 pm - Granada Hills, CA
Seriously, it's part of the process. While I've managed to lose a lot of weight pre-op, it has been far from easy, and far from guilt-free. Every time I make progress towards having surgery (getting referral, getting pre-op appt, meeting surgeon) I find myself having horrible food weeks when the fear creeps up on me.

DONT FEEL GUILTY. We all have our own struggles, our own journey, our own issues we have to work through. Just like we can't compare post-op weight loss, we can't compare pre-op losses. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 4/12/11 2:15 am, edited 4/12/11 2:15 am - OH
Evie you need to let go of the guilt, allow yourself to make mistakes, it doesn't mean you've failed or that you are a bad person it simply means you are human, just pick yourself up and do the best you can. that's all anyone can ask of you, also its all you can ask of yourself, if it was easy we wouldn't been in the shape we are now. Don't be sooo hard on yourself. hang in there, good luck to you!
on 4/12/11 5:22 am - VA
This conversation is making me hungry.

Seriously, don't stress. The goal is to get through your surgery without going crazy with all the hoops you have to jump through first.
5'7"  VSG on 6/6/2011  HW 224, SW 214, CW 144  
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