How do I tell my Weigh****cher group

on 4/11/11 1:33 am - Pembroke Pines, FL
 Just go and get your money's worth. It's none of their business, so you don't need to tell them unless you want to.
 [ Hi, I'm stefanie, I'm 28 years old and 5'3'' ]
on 4/11/11 2:38 am - TX
Girl, I don't think I would mention it cause I think you would start WWIII up in that meeting!

Congratulations on your sleeve!  My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow.
Height: 5'7 / HW: 223 / CW: 180 / GW: 145
Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy | Surgery date: April 12, 2011 | Dr. Nick Nicholson

Zee Starrlite
on 4/11/11 2:59 am, edited 4/11/11 3:01 am
Don't tell Hun!!!  I've been at WW for 3years and it won't go over well.  Every once in awhile someone will bring that up and lots of negative opinions are revealed.  WW and WLS is a great combo tho !  Let them grin/frown an bear it.  You do you!

I just quit WW on Friday.  I paid them for 3years and 2mos (probably attended 7 mtgs inthe last year) that $1,520- PLUS I bought every single product, gadget and food they had - ALL the old gadgets and the new!!!

Enough is enough.  I was a size 5/6 and still never reached goal.  I loved WW though -my meetings and leaders.  I am not sure that it works - it is us, inside that do it when we are truly ready under any program.

I do plan to rejoin when I am close to goal weight and closer to getting a free membership.  I've wasted too much money on the diet industry, I feel a bit bitter.  I once too, right before my Lap Band bought the pre-paid coupons (I believe 12 mtgs) and attended 1.  You can't really transfer them so I couldn't give them away.  So I figure they owe me "lifetime" no matter how I get there.  Plus it is hard work with surgery too.  We have to do the same things - watch what we eat and exercise ONLY THIS TIME WITH WLS WE HAVE A FAIR CHANCE.  WLS evens the playing field.

All the very Best to you,

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

Inikah J.
on 4/11/11 3:12 am - Houston, TX
Thanks everyone for you input....I will NOT be telling any of my WW @ Work buddies about my WLS....For all they know my trip to San Antonio was great and I lost weight instead of gaining on vacation!!!

Thanks again!
on 4/11/11 3:14 am - NY
 Congratulations on your surgery!

I think it's a delicate situation, because in *some* ways you're juggling two different philosphies and approaches towards weight loss. 
You probably don't want to be made to feel guilty, like you betrayed the system or something, and I really don't blame you for not wanting to tell a bunch of people about a personal decision you made.

That said, I don't think it's a bad idea to do both. Long term, the diet and the principles are can be very similiar, and I think it would be a great resource in the years ahead. 
I don't think you have to tell anyone--it's your business.

I think I saw you mention that you could join your mother's group? I would do that! Go where you're not known, and where you don't have to explain your decisisons. Take the wisdom that works for you, and leave the rest behind.

I know it's a tough decision, so just do what's right for YOU. 


on 4/11/11 4:47 am - Sharonville, OH
I'm doing WW now and find their plan very compatible to what I was doing for the sleeve. It's up to you whether or not you tell them, but I don't think it's a big deal. I wouldn't annouce it to the room or anything because it seems kind of unnecessary. But so far, I like the plan and am going to keep following it for a while. It gives me some accountability that was lacking at home.
HW: 380   SW: 321   CW: 214  GW: 145  

on 4/11/11 5:32 am - CA
VSG on 03/29/11 with
I told my WW coach and she as cool about it and told me that they work with people who have had WLS. ehh I stopped going for now  Iwill go when I can eat foods again to help with my portion sizes

HW 288  PRE OP WEIGHT  249/ SW241/ CW 146.8     

on 4/11/11 10:30 am
This is so interesting! I never really attended WW but did a lifetime of Overeaters Anonymous. It helped me lose and maintain 100 pounds weight loss in my 20s, but I relapsed at 36 and have struggled ever since. My sense is that they would be very anti-surgery (easier, softer way) but I feel reluctant to find out!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 4/11/11 11:10 am - CA
HAHA!  I do weigh****chers at work and have been doing so since 2009.  I will become a lifetime member this week! I really don't care what anyone thought of me having surgery.  I did it for me not for others so I have always been open about it.  My leader did require a release from my doctor to continue and I received no flack or people saying that I cheated.  Everyone has really celebrated my losses and the morale and support have been wonderful.

Obviousley this is a personal decision, but I wanted everyone to know that I have this amazing tool.  I didn't want them to think that it was the WW plan only.  Although, the points plus program is much like I've eaten since on surgery I just don't eat 29 points plus a day.
