Psychological Evaluation

on 4/10/11 1:40 pm - Belmont , NC

I have my psychological evaluation the week after next and was wondering what I should expect? They told me it would take 3 hours and I would be taking a hour long test the first hour. Can anyone tell me what I should expect?

on 4/10/11 1:54 pm
they just want to make sure u can handle life after surgrey,, my was about an hour long and was filled with useless qustions ,,,,
(deactivated member)
on 4/10/11 2:02 pm
I was only at my appt for 20 minutes. I have learned every procedure is different and expectations.
on 4/10/11 2:07 pm - Fayetteville, GA
Mine lasted almost 3 hours. There is a "test" just about your life and it tries to trip you up. It asks the same questions several times in different ways.
I felt my psych. guy was really a used car salesman. He talked so fast I could barely understand what he said and he rattled off comorbidities and iw as supposed to answer yes or no as fast as he talked. I was worn out by the time I left just listening to him talk.
No problems, 2 days later he emailed me a copy of the report along with the doc.
No worries!

VSG: 4/11/11 by Dr. Kevin McGill at Buckhead Bariatrics, Atlanta, GA.

Looking for Support Group near Fayetteville/Peachtree City, GA

on 4/10/11 2:08 pm - Tehachapi, CA
It really depends on your insurance, etc. Mine was a whole 15mins and rather pointless, IMO. Asked about family life, if I'm aware of the risks of having surgery, if I hear voices, if I do drugs or have a drinking problem... That's about it.
Highest BMI & Weight during VSG journey -- 44.5 / 259
Current BMI & Weight -- 37.8 / 220
sleeve genie
on 4/10/11 2:39 pm - Alhambra, CA
I had to take a test,  they made me get there an hour before i actually saw her to take this multiple choice test    maybe 200 questions?  give or take,   well i was done in about 20 mins or so and they were all shocked,  evidentlly no one's ever taken it that quickly?  really ?   then she ran her little thing that tells which questions you got wrong? questionable?  who knows  and she asked a couple of questions--- and did i realze the risks,------  committed to the lifestyle change      it wasn't that bad  
my daughter told me to lie if i had to,  hopefully she was kidding,  she's like that,  anyway i didn't so don't worry you'll do fine  :o) Jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 4/10/11 3:26 pm - Waxhaw, NC
Let me just say that Dr Kuwada is a wonderful choice...highly respected in the medical community and a very nice person.
The guy you will meet with for your psych eval,...Dr. advice for that meeting is to be general. Be honest, of course, but too many details will make the meeting last forever and will cause him to dig and dig and dig. He does these evals all-day-looooong.....he wants to get them done and move on. He talks fast and if you keep up with him, you'll get out of there in a reasonable time. Too many details could hold you up and prompt him to dig for more.
You'll do fine. These evals are really to weed out people looking for a quick fix or just "cosmetic" weight-loss.
Good luck and keep us posted!

I am a work of art in progress
on 4/12/11 4:54 am
On April 10, 2011 at 10:26 PM Pacific Time, redheadtiff wrote:
Let me just say that Dr Kuwada is a wonderful choice...highly respected in the medical community and a very nice person.
The guy you will meet with for your psych eval,...Dr. advice for that meeting is to be general. Be honest, of course, but too many details will make the meeting last forever and will cause him to dig and dig and dig. He does these evals all-day-looooong.....he wants to get them done and move on. He talks fast and if you keep up with him, you'll get out of there in a reasonable time. Too many details could hold you up and prompt him to dig for more.
You'll do fine. These evals are really to weed out people looking for a quick fix or just "cosmetic" weight-loss.
Good luck and keep us posted!

Thanks everyone for this information. 

Seldern and I are going through this process together and it is really helpful to read all of the great information and advice you all have.

redheadtiff, thanks for this info about Dr. Runge.  It is exactly the kind of thing we want to know. :)
on 4/10/11 4:35 pm


I also had the dreaded 3-hour Psych evaluation...
It's like 3 question and answer tests (old school fill in the circle type test).
The big one was 341 questions!
Like a previous person said; a lot of them are the same question just asked a bit different. My shrink was a PHD shrink and we talked about the test after it was over..
He said that it was designed to check if you were lying or telling them what they needed to hear..It was callede the MIPS test; that stands for..."The Millon Index of Personality Styles"
check it out here:

The really long one had a bunch of silly questions like; T/F You would enjoy being a News Reporter...etc

I wouldn't worry about it - just dont answer the "I sometimes feel like i want to kill myself and others" question as TRUE!

They give the test and surgery go ahead to Schizophrenics and Bi-Polar individuals as long as they are stable...

Have fun!



VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/10/11 10:20 pm - MN
What can you expect? A lot of dumb questions asked different ways. They'll be along the lines of "I like to cause pain in animals" or "the voice in my head tells me to do things" or "I want to be a teacher" or stuff like that. You'll get so sick and tired of filling in circles you won't be paying much attention to the questions at the end. Don't worry about it. It's one of those things that has to be done. 

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

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