Looks like it's working!

on 4/10/11 9:57 am - GA
Ty you!
K. Perry
on 4/10/11 3:40 am
Wow! You walked a mile?! My Dr. said I shouldn't do any walking like that for a few weeks but maybe I should bend the rules if you've lost 11lbs. doing so.....
Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can.        
on 4/10/11 10:00 am - GA
Oh yeah!  You can do it too! I'm not power walking or anything like that just picking up and laying down. My Doc. encourgages walking, Don't go to the gym now! just walk! How you doing on your fluids, I'm not hitting nowhere near where I'm suppose to be.
K. Perry
on 4/10/11 11:05 am
Yeah, he told me to walk for no longer than 5 minutes each time I get up to walk. We had good weather here in Chicago today and I wanted so badly to go out and walk but I didn't. Oh I'm with you on the fluids, I haven't been able to get them all in since surgery. I do what I can though...I sip all day long but never hit my goal. 
Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can.        
(deactivated member)
on 4/10/11 4:09 am - Underwood, ND
Mine told me that too!!  Said no extended walking or exercise and no stairs until at least 6 weeks out.  Congrats!!!  I'm still 10lbs up from all the fluids they gave me in the hospital lol
on 4/10/11 10:01 am - GA
Josie, how much walking did you do at the hospital?
(deactivated member)
on 4/10/11 10:04 am - Underwood, ND
I got up and walked every couple hours.  Not at all the first day tho because I was puking ALL day.  No joke.  lol  it was great.
(deactivated member)
on 4/10/11 10:08 am - Underwood, ND
I wonder if they don't just tell you 6 weeks at first and then release you to do more at the 2 week appt?  Honestly at this point I wouldn't do well at all with exercise.  I still have very low blood pressure and off and on nausea and vomiting.  I can't even move while I sip because if I do I will vomit.  Wish I was where you are tho!!  I'm jealous!
on 4/10/11 4:52 am
My surgeon said I will start walking right after recovery and encourages as much activity as one can do as soon as they can do it post op..I already walk at least a mile and 8 flights of steps a day just to get from the parking lot to my "cubicle" for work...That little journey almost KILLS me!

I also know from lots of research that dudes like us with lots of weight to lose actually drop the pounds REAL fast in the first few months. I mean, even being sedentary takes 4-5000 calories to maintain 4-500 pounds. At 3500 calories per pound thats over 1 pound a day before exercise.

Congrats on the loss so far, I look forward to being there with you in a couple of weeks...

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

Eula "Evie" R.
on 4/10/11 5:50 am - Mount Nebo, WV
Wow u are doing wonderful, my goodness walking that far in a short time after surgery, WOW.
God Bless
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