Considering but concerned...

on 4/10/11 2:34 am - MI
Thank you....
on 4/10/11 2:53 am - Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis
As far a missing food I was a total foodie before. Since surgery I eat wayyy less and crave foods wayyy less which has given me this amazing FREEDOM. Food doesnt run my life anymore. Now I get my food fix by baking and cooking elaborate meals for others. It satisfies me the same way eating a ton did before.

As far as the scarring, if you get it done laparoscopically you should only have TINY incisions, around a half inch long and thin.

Glad you are doing your research now and asking these questions, they will help you fully understand the logistics of what will happen.

                       HW: 258lbs  SW: 240   CW: 140  I am 5 foot 7 and 30 years old               
                 VSG 12/21/10  Plastics: Tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation 11/3/11
                                             Soon to be veterinarian!! xoxo

on 4/10/11 3:00 am - MN
We all love food and love to eat or we wouldn't be here, right? Me, anyway.

I'm only a few weeks out so this will probably change, but right now I'm not hungry and I don't miss food. In fact, it's nice. A relief. I kind of like not having food control me. I hope it never goes away. I feel like a normal person with a normal relationship to food. I don't WANT to love to eat.

Give it a whirl. You may just find you don't want to love to eat, too.

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

on 4/10/11 5:15 am - San Antonio, TX
Hi Felisha,

In the beginning, I too was concerned about not being able to eat/enjoy the foods that I love.  But I told myself, I've had 46 years of eating and overeating those foods.  The world will not stop spinning on it's axis if I can never eat those things again.  My health is more importan to me than the food.
As for the keloid situation, I too am African American.  4 of my 6 incisions are almost impercetible, and the largest of the 6 are just brownish lines about an inch long.  A very small price to pay for my long term health.
Now your last concern, being tired and/or sick for months after the surgery.  Everyone is different, and recover at different rates.  I personally believe that it's all in your attitude and how well you follow directions after surgery.  I went back to work after 3 weeks off.  I could have gone after 2, but we were on Spring Break.  Most people still don't believe that I had surgery.  Not that I haven't lost weight, but that I'm not all humped over, and sickly after just having surgery.  I am determined to make this a success.
The foods that I ate following surgery were determined by the post op diet that was given to me by my surgeon's office.  I was on liquids when I got home for 2 weeks.  At 3 weeks I got to move on to heavier liquids like blenderized soups and protein shakes.  At the 4 week mark I could add soft foods like tuna salad, pinto beans w/cheese, puddings, chicken salad.  At the 5 week point I moved to more solid foods.  I've eaten shrimp, crab stuffed mushrooms, ham, turkey sausage.
I know it's scary, and it seems very daunting at times, but trust me, as much as I miss eating pizza and burgers right now, nothing feels better than being able to lose this weight, and live a much longer, healthier life!
I wish you the best with whatever you decide to do.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop me a line. 


  HW-319 SW-295 CW-186.2 GW-160 BMI-29.1   
on 4/10/11 8:38 pm - MI
Thanks Eydie. That was most helpful....
on 4/10/11 8:57 am, edited 4/10/11 8:58 am - Germany
 I was like you.. I was 244 no diabetes, blood pressure or anything.. But I knew I was not healthy.. I was scared something would pop and bite me in the butt and it would be too late..

To be honest I had surgery, had no pain, nausea, gas nothing that some of the other people experienced I was up and walking around.. I was mobile within 2 days and felt like myself after a week.. I just felt tired for a while.. I have had no complications..

I am one of the ones that dont get hungry or crave my favorite foods anymore.. but to be honest you dont even notice that your not craving it until someone says something about it.. its not that you dont want them and when you taste it its still just as good as you remeber it.. 

first weeks after surgery it was broths,jello,tea, water and gatorade.. then it upgrades from there.. you doctor will give you a guide for what foods to eat and when.. 

I am not going to lie I dont exercise.. not lifting anyway.. I walk all the time.. I bought some exercise games and I do them when I feel like it.. I walk 1-2 times a week with my friends about 3 miles.. and when I have time I attend a Zumba class.. I am waiting until I reach goal to start toning I have heard of a few people doing this and I like that idea.. 

oh and as for the scarring.. its not that bad.. I was told to use Mederma and it is working wonders so far.. I have 5 tiny incisions not really big at all the biggest one is an inch long. they were super dark its been about 2 weeks and they have lightened up a lot.. 

GW 1: 200 COMPLETED! 193-Feb 15th 2011
GW 2: 160 COMPLETED! 160-May 12th 2011
GW 3: 140 COMPLETED! 140-June 17th 2011
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on 4/10/11 8:41 pm - MI
Thanks you look great by the way...
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