How has your mood changes since your surgery?
I went through severe depression after surgery because I physically didnt feel well at all. I had no energy, My incisions were sore. Everything added to it and I had to increase my medicines for depression. It finally went away week 7. I know the hormones go crazy as well, but it is a HUGE mental change after surgery. I wish I was more mentally prepared for this surgery. I never thought I would relapse with depression. I am now 9 weeks out and doing much better,. I have adjusted to my new tiny tummy and I know how much I can eat and Im still working on the eating slow part though. I learned not to drink to soon after eating or I vomit up the liquid I just drank. It's alot of adjustments and the more prepared you are the better. I would read all these posts on this board about everyone so happy right out of surgery, but that is not the case with everyone ! There are many people who have relapsed with severe depression. Part of it is from not eating the way you were previously. I thought that woulnt bother me but once I was post-op and I visually seen what I could only eat , it depressed me. Time does heal everything in my opinion and like I said I am adjusting much better now. It has been a long road for myself thus far but I am also 35 pounds down from date of surgery ( 45 down if you include pre-op ) so the reward is by far greater
For me the only thing that has changed is that I despite losing 1/3 of my excess weight I still can't think of myself as my 'real' size, I still feel like the bigger person that I am not anymore...I have ups and downs and I guess it seems more of a rollercoaster since surgery...but not due to food.
I actually am not too worried about missing out on eating anything...some foods I don't even want anymore...craving is one thing but when the thing that one craves makes me feel sick...I don't want it anymore.
I actually am not too worried about missing out on eating anything...some foods I don't even want anymore...craving is one thing but when the thing that one craves makes me feel sick...I don't want it anymore.