Surgery on Monday and I'm Angry
This week has been extremely stressful leaving me just an emotional wreck. If you only knew what I've been through.
Monday-I was suppose to just go to my surgeon's office to pick-up my leave of absence papers (I dropped off the papers 10 days earlier). I called the Friday before to verify that they were ready. When I arrive on Monday, I find out that they were never filled out and I have to wait 40 minutes to get them filled out by one of the office workers who proceeds to cancel my surgery because my primary physician failed to fax my pre-op test results. I was almost 1 hour late for work because of this.
Tuesday-I'm awaken by a call from my surgeon's office informing me that they failed to give me all of the leave of absence form. They found one of the sheets in the fax machine and need me to come and pick it up. They once again threatened to cancel my surgery because they don't have the test results. (They never bothered to contact my primary physician's office). I had to make a 2nd call to my primary physician's office. I also had to leave for work earlier, so I could stop by the office to pick up the paper.
Wednesday-I receive a call early in the morning from my primary physician informing me that they spoke with my surgeon's office and that they want to draw more blood. In actuality, they lied and failed to ever send my bloodwork off. 30 minutes later, I receive the third call this week from my surgeon's office informing me that no one from the primary physician's office called and again threatening to cancel the surgery. I went ballistic and had to get really angry for people to do their job. I then find out that the women in the surgeon's office told my primary physician that she didn't contact her because I refused to give her my doctor's name (Are you serious?)
I then get a call from my coordinator who asks me about my Upper GI series. I informed her that they told me that it wasn't necessary for me. She proceeds to lie and say that my chart says that someone gave me a form on 2/9 for an uppper GI series. I'm a nurse, so I think that I would remember something that important.
Thursday-I have to wake up 3 hours earlier to go and get an Upper GI Series before work.
Friday-I get a call to from the hospital for pre-registration. They inform me that my surgery is scheduled for 8:30am. Three hours later, I receive another call informing me that my surgery has been pushed back to 3:30pm. When I called them back to find out why, I was informed that I needed to contact my surgeon regarding the matter. I contact my surgery coordinator who is oblivious to the situatuon and blames the hospital. She then calls me back and informs me that it's because of another case. Why is she lying to me?
I'm an employee of the same hospital that I'm having surgery. For me to be treated that way is terrible. I still believe in the surgery, but I must say, after all the things I'be been through this week, I'm a tired and emotional wreck. My surgeon's office has proven to me that they are useless. I'm at a point that I'm thinking about cancelling the surgery. I'm in desperate need of some support right now, and a big hug.
Monday-I was suppose to just go to my surgeon's office to pick-up my leave of absence papers (I dropped off the papers 10 days earlier). I called the Friday before to verify that they were ready. When I arrive on Monday, I find out that they were never filled out and I have to wait 40 minutes to get them filled out by one of the office workers who proceeds to cancel my surgery because my primary physician failed to fax my pre-op test results. I was almost 1 hour late for work because of this.
Tuesday-I'm awaken by a call from my surgeon's office informing me that they failed to give me all of the leave of absence form. They found one of the sheets in the fax machine and need me to come and pick it up. They once again threatened to cancel my surgery because they don't have the test results. (They never bothered to contact my primary physician's office). I had to make a 2nd call to my primary physician's office. I also had to leave for work earlier, so I could stop by the office to pick up the paper.
Wednesday-I receive a call early in the morning from my primary physician informing me that they spoke with my surgeon's office and that they want to draw more blood. In actuality, they lied and failed to ever send my bloodwork off. 30 minutes later, I receive the third call this week from my surgeon's office informing me that no one from the primary physician's office called and again threatening to cancel the surgery. I went ballistic and had to get really angry for people to do their job. I then find out that the women in the surgeon's office told my primary physician that she didn't contact her because I refused to give her my doctor's name (Are you serious?)
I then get a call from my coordinator who asks me about my Upper GI series. I informed her that they told me that it wasn't necessary for me. She proceeds to lie and say that my chart says that someone gave me a form on 2/9 for an uppper GI series. I'm a nurse, so I think that I would remember something that important.
Thursday-I have to wake up 3 hours earlier to go and get an Upper GI Series before work.
Friday-I get a call to from the hospital for pre-registration. They inform me that my surgery is scheduled for 8:30am. Three hours later, I receive another call informing me that my surgery has been pushed back to 3:30pm. When I called them back to find out why, I was informed that I needed to contact my surgeon regarding the matter. I contact my surgery coordinator who is oblivious to the situatuon and blames the hospital. She then calls me back and informs me that it's because of another case. Why is she lying to me?
I'm an employee of the same hospital that I'm having surgery. For me to be treated that way is terrible. I still believe in the surgery, but I must say, after all the things I'be been through this week, I'm a tired and emotional wreck. My surgeon's office has proven to me that they are useless. I'm at a point that I'm thinking about cancelling the surgery. I'm in desperate need of some support right now, and a big hug.
Well here you go! A BIG hug and a pat on the back too for making it to the end of the week! That sounds terrible. But please dont let this convince you to cancel. You've come too far to let some inconsequential people who should be terminated ruin this chance for a healthy life.
If we all did our jobs like they do, with a list of excuses of how to blame everyone else, where would the world be?
I'm sure you'll be glad when it's all over and the run around is well in the past.
Try to keep positive thoughts. I'll be praying for you.
If we all did our jobs like they do, with a list of excuses of how to blame everyone else, where would the world be?
I'm sure you'll be glad when it's all over and the run around is well in the past.
Try to keep positive thoughts. I'll be praying for you.

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity and fear but a spirit of power and love and self discipline." 2 Tim. 1:7 So with HIS power, love and self-discipline - I WILL DO THIS!
HW:250 SW: 232 CW: 164 GW: 150
I hope you've got all of this fully documented (hell, just copy your post) so you can present it to your surgeon and PCP to show them how incompetant their office staffs are. The week leading up to surgery is enough of an emotional roller coaster without them making it worse.
I agree that you should still move forward, you've come so far now and canceling isn't going to show them the error of their ways... it's only going to add more stress for you to have to jump through more hoops to get it all set up again.
Stay strong... you can do this, even if it seems like more trouble than it's worth now

I hope you've got all of this fully documented (hell, just copy your post) so you can present it to your surgeon and PCP to show them how incompetant their office staffs are. The week leading up to surgery is enough of an emotional roller coaster without them making it worse.
I agree that you should still move forward, you've come so far now and canceling isn't going to show them the error of their ways... it's only going to add more stress for you to have to jump through more hoops to get it all set up again.
Stay strong... you can do this, even if it seems like more trouble than it's worth now

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I'm sending you big and cozy hugs.....and a virtual drink. Just get through it all and go to you surgery with a smile. You have to remember that most of the people will lie in order to save their own behinds. Relax to some peaceful music this weekend and remember that you are the better one. I wish you the best of luck in your surgery.
Lots of hugs and kisses.
I'm sending you big and cozy hugs.....and a virtual drink. Just get through it all and go to you surgery with a smile. You have to remember that most of the people will lie in order to save their own behinds. Relax to some peaceful music this weekend and remember that you are the better one. I wish you the best of luck in your surgery.
Lots of hugs and kisses.
Oh my! Bad enough 1 office runs that way, but 2! I give you kudos for getting the job done! Also a big hug and prayers! I think I would take the advice of another and make sure your Dr. Knows what happened. My surgery is april the 18th, and I am already scrambling to get my house in order. Had my taxes done yesterday, start spring cleaning today. I work nights so this cleaning thing has got me tired already. I think all I must do now is my preadmission testing and the hospital is to call and set up a date. I think I will call Monday and see if we can do it next week just in case I need extra testing. I was turned down for the sleeve for a year from my insurance. And received a letter out of the blue in february. I set up my appointment time, and the day of they called and said he had to wait on a surgical suite, because another Dr. ran over so they cacelled ,which pushed my date up. I still think they should have given me a date that day. But we are on for the 18th. I am buying protein drinks and vitamens to have on hand for after surgery. I saw here that I should have a mini food processor and a emersion blender. I found a 3 cup processor at Kohls last week half price plus I had a 15% off. Still researching the blender. Enough about me! Hope your done with everything now and your ready to go. Good Luck with surgery and stay in touch.
It's Monday night and I am thinking of you and how everything went. It is so easy to sit on this side and say today went so quickly. I am praying you are well and resting comfortably. I know it may be a while before we hear from you, and I truly wish you well. Today is a day of recovery. And all of your tomorrows will be days of discovery. Building the new you! Hope all is well, congrats and get well soon. Sara