Dr. Liza Maria Pompa Gonzales
I have seen the quote:
"There are three people posting on the sleeve board right now that can all eat a great deal of food and they all have a 32F stomach and the same surgeon. One girl could eat a whole chicken breast 3 weeks post op. I'm at 10 months and there is no way I could eat that. I have a 32F stomach and I can eat 2oz of solid protein at a time."
This is your general statement for any reason why someone may not be loosing weight. Surgery is performed on your stomach not your head. Though apparently some may need that also. If someone is eating chicken 3 weeks after surgery, they have another problem all together.
I am loosing weight with no problem, no hunger, 1 - 3 oz at a time. I will be at goal by Feb at the latest. I will work my tool and not let it or you work me.
The end, don't bother responding.
It's not really your decision if I respond or not. Sorry, that's not how message boards work.
We got surgery for a reason, we needed restriction for weight loss. If someone doesn't have a great deal of restriction they aren't going to lose well, that's how it works.
No, you are dead ass wrong, that is NOT my general statement for people not losing weight. *I* am the one telling people to put the ice cream down, *I* am the one giving people a dose of reality for food choices. You are not being the least bit honest. The ONLY time i have written as you claim is with two TJ doctors that do make large or incorrect sleeves. The ONLY time.
Sure, you can eat 1-3 oz at a time, that is why you are losing weight. If you could eat three times that much you wouldn't likely lose well either. We get restrictive procedures for a reason.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies: http://wasabubblebutt.blogspot.com/
Not sure if you remember me, I'm from another (well several other) WLS message boards. I was banded in Feb. 2008 - and am in the process of having a revision. I am scheduled for this procedure on 9/15/10 with Dr. Aceves.
I was posed a scenario that could possibly change my plans and instead have my revision perfomed by Dr. Pompa. I'm trying to find out as much as I can about her practices before moving forward. I'm so glad I found this thread! My whole problem with my band has been #1 not finding the proper restriction, either being way too tight or as right now way too loose. I can eat too much!
I'm revising to sleeve because I know my #1 problem with food is the amount I can eat. I do have some issues, I think like most other on choices. However for the most part I do choose healthy, wise foods. I am hoping this will be the procedure I should have originally chosen, had I known of it prior to being banded.
My question to you is, I see you have quite an extensive amount of knowledge on the Dr. posed in this thread. Would it be possible for you to give me the run-down? My decision for changing would be *purely* financial. I have no reservations for choosing Dr. A. I haven't ever heard of any negatives with him.
You can answer me via PM if you feel better in doing so. Thank you so much!!!
Started: 330/283/272 = HW/Band/VSG
From Size 3-4X/28W To Size XS-S/0-6... WHOOT!!!
Band-to-Sleeve, Date: 09/15/10!! Dr. Aceves, Mexicali, M
I have seen the quote:
"There are three people posting on the sleeve board right now that can all eat a great deal of food and they all have a 32F stomach and the same surgeon. One girl could eat a whole chicken breast 3 weeks post op. I'm at 10 months and there is no way I could eat that. I have a 32F stomach and I can eat 2oz of solid protein at a time."
This is your general statement for any reason why someone may not be loosing weight. Surgery is performed on your stomach not your head. Though apparently some may need that also. If someone is eating chicken 3 weeks after surgery, they have another problem all together.
I am loosing weight with no problem, no hunger, 1 - 3 oz at a time. I will be at goal by Feb at the latest. I will work my tool and not let it or you work me.
The end, don't bother responding.
Sure is fun to watch you back-peddle onto another point....
Sure is interesting to see you ignore two first-hand experiences that mention the same things with the same physician and then act as though it is the PATIENT's fault because they should have known better when they saw the GI and shouldn't have waited so long to say something and NOW act as though your whole point was that the sleeve is a tool. Wow....you are all over the place!
Newsflash - you are not the first person to post that enlightening bit of information.
Just to refresh your memory: This began because you couldn't allow someone (me) to post what they wanted to post on a public forum. You ASSumed that the OP didn't want to hear feedback from anyone but you. You ASSumed that I was pushing my physician. You incorrectly tried discredit my post as "hearsay" and now that you have been called out, you want to argue a point that we can actually agree upon - that the sleeve is a tool....duh. When I point out where you are mistaken, your lame comeback is that I didn't even answer the OP's question. Funny thing was, your initial response was not to help the OP, but was to bash my post...at least my response had informative information.
Stop deflecting. Stay on point. Take your medicine.
No one has wished upon you any ill-will - everyone here is happy you are losing. I'm glad that you have good restriction. I hope you make goal and then some BEFORE February. I hope you continue to be successful with your sleeve and never have any problems. But - just because you are having success and proper restriction doesn't mean that everyone is and just because your sleeve may have been done right doesn't mean that everyone's was. Don't be so quick to judge that people aren't doing what they should be doing and working their tool - maybe there could be another reason such as lack of restriction (which is why we all wanted the surgery to begin with). I would hope that you were intelligent enough to realize that not everyone's situation is the same as yours.
I had surgery in Tijuana at Angeles Hospital with Dr. Corvala. The hospital and the care was out of this world. Had I not had surgery with Dr. Corvala, my other option would have been Dr. Aceves....those are the Dr.'s I did most research on.
Good luck with your research.....it's a journey for sure!
I did believe that Joyce's results was secondary to her previous WLS but not now. This was my first WLS so scar tissue could not be an excuse. I am sure some will choose to beleive that I overater and stretched it....but I can only tell you that I have experienced the foames once and that was becauese I scarfed down 4 shrimp too fast and they got stuck. I have not lost much since March but I have managed to maintain, plus or minus 4lbs. I still work out 5day per week, I am hungry all the time and while I have not tested the limits of my sleeve I can eat alot compared to post op and still not be full.
I have a consult for a revison surgery here in the states (no more MX for me). I am hoping that he will be able to re-sleeve me as I do not want RNY and think the DS would cause too much lost at my present weight.
I am glad to see you doing your homework, keep reading and asking questions. I would NOT go back to POMPA if she did it for free.
i wish you all the best in getting the revision you need, to help you continue your journey.

6lbs under goal weight
Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!
She had a horrible experience about 2 months ago with a reaction to anesthesia drugs at the time of surgery with another TJ surgeon. I don't know who her first surgeon was, but her ordeal was scary...she still was brave enough to go at it again, and chose Dr. Pompa for her surgery.....
You may want to contact her for some information.....