Can an IV make you gain weight?

on 7/27/10 1:39 am - Chicago, IL
Hi Again,

I was just recently hospitalized and before I went in I was at 182 and when I came home after being in the hospital I weighed 190...could this all be from the IV???  I'm a little worried...I really didn't eat bad in the hospital, I barely ate because I wasn't hungry.  Just curious...any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,


on 7/27/10 1:41 am

Yes, because IV fluids are "sal****er" and all that salt makes you retain water for awhile.  Give your kidneys a week or so to excrete that extra salt.

loose -- (adj)  not tight
lose - (verb)  to rid oneself of

on 7/27/10 1:41 am - CA
YES!!!!!!!  Give it about a week and the fluids so be gone.
on 7/27/10 1:43 am - Chicago, IL
Thanks so much for replying!  That's good to know...I was trying not to freak out.  I will just up the water intake and try and continue to flu**** out.

Have a great day!!!

on 7/27/10 1:45 am
Yes!  I gained 12 pounds when I went into the hospital to have my sleeve surgery.  I could not believe it when I got home and weighed so much more than when I went in.  I agree with others - it takes about a week to get rid of it.  Increase your water - it helps force out the excess liquid gained from IV fluid.

                                                        15 pounds lost during pre-op diet
diane S.
on 7/27/10 3:22 am
yep, i gained 7 lbs from right before to right after surgery. and they took out tummy! fluids weigh a lot . don't worry it will pass. D

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on 7/27/10 10:46 am - Chandler, AZ
2 days of IV fluids made me gain 8 lbs, even after my stomach was removed. Took a little over a week for me to get back to my pre op weight.
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