BCBS Plans in IL, TX, OK and NM Now Cover the Sleeve !!!
Good news for folks with some BCBS policies! I just received an email from the coordinator for my surgeon saying effective immediately, the sleeve is now covered!
Here is a snippet from the email she forwarded:
We are pleased to announce exciting news for Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) patients in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Illinois. HCSC, the parent company of the Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in these states, has recently added Gastric Sleeve coverage to their Bariatric Surgery Medical Policy.
Hope this is true. I started my appeal process 2 weeks ago with BCBSIL. I check their policy web site everyday to see if it changed. It is still showing a 9/2009 date and “investigational" I even called and they were no help at all.
I know it is just a matter of time and I’m hopping it’s a matter of a short time.
This is good news, now the reality of having surgery has set in and it is making me a little nervous!
Here it is!
- "Open or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy may be considered medically necessary (when specifically included as a benefit or covered service in the member’s benefit plan, summary plan description or contract) as a surgical treatment option for patients with morbid obesity who meet the eligibility criteria for surgery, including lack of response to the required conservative measures listed above."