Nausea while pooping?

Tonya B.
on 6/6/10 12:50 am - Campobello, SC
Hello everyone,
First let me say that I am sorry for this yucky topic, but I do need your advice, so here it goes...

I have the sleeve in October and have done well up untill two weeks ago.  I have lost 91 lbs and finally started regrowing my hair.  Two weeks ago I got extremely sick while pooping??? after I was finished I was fine.  I do get constipated and have to take veg. lax and milk of mag.  I thought I might have just had a little virus, but every time I poop now, I throw up.  I feel fine when I sit down, but in the middle of "pushing" I get extremely nauseated and either vomit or dry heave for 5-10 min. 

My lower belly seems a little swolen, but not painful..???

Please send me any advice or sites to look up info for my issue...I no longer have insurance, so I want to try to help myself if I can!
God Bless,
In Chirst alone,
Tonya B
on 6/6/10 12:54 am - La Luz, NM
That happens to me if I am the least bit constipated or if it is diarrhea. The nausea is awful and if I am not very careful, I am puking like mad. Could it be that your body is developing a sensitivity to the laxatives that you are using?
on 6/6/10 1:24 am - SC
I thought about posting this very same topic a couple of weeks ago! I have had this problem at least 3x's. I think it comes from being constipated while having something not agree with your stomach. I've sat down (on the toilet) because of that "urge" to go but stomach bubbles and cramp up and then comes the 'dry heaves' (now I have the trash can in my hands)..I guess from all of the pushing from the "dry heaves" I would eventually push out the old and the new (poop), at the SAME TIME while "sliming" myself to death. Very scary!

on 6/6/10 1:39 am
I have the same issue if it is right after I have taken my meds- so now no meds until after!
diane S.
on 6/6/10 4:04 am
this is weird. no clue what to do but you might try an anti nausea drug (either prescription or over the counter) and use awhile before you hit the pot. can you at least call up the office of whoever did your surgery and ask this question? seems like they should answer that without charging a zillion bucks. gl. d
on 6/6/10 5:07 am - Sebastian, FL
Can you take something to help you be regular and see if maybe it's not just from pushing?

 I'm so excited!!!
 Pre-op  5/24/10   255lbs
                                        Surgery 6/1/10    248lbs
                                        Current 5/15/11   187lbs  gone forever 68lbs
                                         Goal                 175lbs          

on 6/6/10 5:13 am
 It sounds like some sort of vagal mediated response.  In order to defecate you do need a certain unique type of bowel motility that's designed to move things along as opposed to sort of mixing the contents of the bowel.  And it effects the whole bowel, not just the colon. So, it's not entirely weird.
I think as was mentioned, get the GI contents wet and soft enough not to have to push.

loose -- (adj)  not tight
lose - (verb)  to rid oneself of

Tonya B.
on 6/6/10 9:03 am - Campobello, SC
Thanks to everyone!  I plan to try to be more faithful in taking my stool softeners so that I won't have to push as hard...I hope that fixes the issue.
Thanks again!
on 6/6/10 10:57 am
When you are bearing down/ pushing/ straining, you trigger the vagus response. This will cause your blood pressure to drop rapidly- some people faint, some puke. Rather than use MOM, change to benefibre or a stool softener such as Colace- dosuate sodium is the ingredient- there are many brand names. You need to stop straining/pushing so hard.
BMI 36 with co-morbiditites : Hypertension  GERD    HW-240,
Orientation weight 230, SW 213, CW- 162 

Help a great kid.

Migraine sufferer - see my blog for help getting VSG
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