Help! Out of control hunger @ night

on 12/8/07 12:16 am - Grand Rapids, MI
I am getting to the point where I am worried about my eating at night.  I get tremendous cravings!! I feel like I couldn't eat all day but something happens after like.. 10 or so.  I tend to stay up very late (always have) and a serious hunger kicks in at night.  Any suggestions? I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I'm thinking perhaps it's my SF Pudding that I have as a dessert at the end of the day.  Could that be spurring cravings for sweets?? Any suggestions? I have always had this at night though.. I just don't know how to change it.  I know it's completely in my head.  However, I think part of me wants food after the normal  5/6 hours that are between my normal meals.  If my last meal was at 8 pm, I start getting very hungry around 1 or so.  SO frustrating. :(
♫♪ Ain't nothin' gonna break my stall.. Nobody's gonna slow me down.. oh no..
I got to keep on losin'.  ♫♪

on 12/8/07 12:33 am - Winchestertonfieldville, IA
VSG on 09/26/07 with
Melissa, I went thru the same thing. I work 4-12 and at work there is food everywhere. I found that if I start eating earlier in the day (I could seriously go until about 3:00 before I would feel even a little bit of hunger) - even if it's just a yogurt- my hunger isn't as bad at night. I make myself eat by 9:30 so I can have another meal before work. Hope that helps!
 LIFE WAS EASIER WHEN BOYS HAD COOTIES!  Iowa Hawkeyes                                                             
                                                   25 lbs lost pre-op        
HW-377  PRE-OP-365  DOS-340  NOW-179.4  GOAL-180

on 12/8/07 12:40 am - Grand Rapids, MI
Thank you, Hawk! I do eat within an hour of waking (nutritionist says to do so) to get your metabolism going.  But it's like you said.. no hunger at all until late afternoon.  I should get hypnotized or something, lol!  It's not bad because I snack on good things but I don't want to graze/snack at all! It's not hindering me yet.. but I can see it blowing up into a big problem.  I know we all go through this stuff but I love hearing how people have worked it out (like you).  Thanks for your reply. xoxo
♫♪ Ain't nothin' gonna break my stall.. Nobody's gonna slow me down.. oh no..
I got to keep on losin'.  ♫♪

Ms Shell
on 12/8/07 12:58 am - Hawthorne, CA
I'm new to all this but not new to cravings!!  I h ave a late night snack engrained to my daily routine if I need it great is not no worry.  Last night I had a slice of lunch meat with a slice of cheese.  A few nights ago it was warm chocolate micellar milk.  I have also been known to grab a SF popcicle or make a cup of tea.  Sometimes it's hunger and sometimes it's just the tasting of something calories or not. If you are staying up that late I would plan a late night snack say around 10 or 11 (at least a couple hours before bed).  It could be in your head but depending on what you do during the day with food and exercise it could be an actually NEED from your body. Good luck

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 12/8/07 1:09 am - Grand Rapids, MI
Wow, I haven't thought of that, Shell.  I just assumed (probably because of Oprah) that it's very bad to eat after 9 pm (or even dinner) so I do always eat my last snack before then.  I SHOULD save it until 10 or later and see how that goes.  Spread it out longer.  I don't know why it was ingrained into my head that you mustn't eat late at night. I'll definitely try that! :D
♫♪ Ain't nothin' gonna break my stall.. Nobody's gonna slow me down.. oh no..
I got to keep on losin'.  ♫♪

Ms Shell
on 12/8/07 1:28 am - Hawthorne, CA

Girl I've watched that on Oprah.  There are quite a few things about late night eating, but most of it has to do with late night overeating...meaning your X calorie day ended at dinner and then after that you consume 100plus more calories.  Over time that's not good.  BUT if you plan X number of calories and include that midnight snack all is pretty ok. I do remember then saying at least 2 hours before bed period because that 2 hours gives your body time to digest before it goes into shut down rest mode.  You can do it!!

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

Tim M.
on 12/8/07 1:29 am - Hagerstown, MD
I'm one who had a late schedule at work for a long time. Because I didn't get off until 11p I would stay up hours later and just kept this schedule on my days off. I couldn't stop eating at 8 or 9 because I was starving by midnight. I pushed everything back a little to meet my schedule. The cutoff for eating isn't a one size fits all, it would have to depend on what kind of daily schedule you are running on. I say running becuase I don't know too many of us 'just chillin' day in and day out. About the whole WLS show...I'm putting Oprah on the bad list. She is screwing with reality to meet ratings and negatively affecting people's lives in the process. Grrr!   Tim A usually happy elf

Original BMI Pre-op= 47.7
BMI = 28.0
Currently lifting weights to gain muscle

on 12/8/07 6:40 am - Charleston, IL
VSG on 08/28/07 with

I am soooo glad I did no****ch her show....Oprah's reality is like you said...for good ratings. People want to hear the bad side to things...she needs to have a show with successful WLS patients and not focus on the negative sides to about all of the positiveness that goes with it. Yeah that gripes me about her. Just the other day or so it was people who lost weight emphasizing the fact that they did it WITHOUT SURGERY. That irked me too. I am so glad these people did lose the weight...but it got the message accross to some that everyone can do this without surgery...WLS=bad..she is trying to convey that message I think.....grrrrrrrr @ Oprah! These are the feelings I am picking up anyway from her last shows! This is what people are complaining about on the boards anyway...I choose not to watch her anymore. She is on my bad list as well.


WooHootiHoo! I have made it to 109!!!! A total of 190lbs lost!

on 12/8/07 2:12 am - CA
Melissa,  I ususally only have problems with night eating after I return from being overseas (either Europe or Asis) my system is really nuts, and I end up needeing something, MS Shells idea of keeping the snack in your daily allotment sounds like a good one.  They say that we don't burn the calories off as well during sleep, so keep the calories light. I have tryed hypnosis.  It has helped me with my cravings and and am not binging like I used to, I think it will be a nice addition to my VSG.   I am going in for a session specifically about WLS next week.   I have CD's I the place below I  listen to using a headset.  I usually do it before bed, but it really helps to do at the start of a day, or in the middle, most take anywhere from 20-30 mins .  Really good to do when you are craving, to take a break and listen, and the craving will pass. Here is a link to a place that may have a center in your area, or there may be some in your area. or if your want you can order CD's to help you.  I have several, just ordered ones in areas I felt I needed help.     I'm sure there are other places too that have maybe a series.... where you listed to one CD/Tape a week to build new habits.   I went inthe Weightloss area..., there are other things they have as well... just click on the category on the left that interests you ection=productpch&goto=viewSubCat&session=xJAD2IyJ9W4buwKr72 5S&ts=144318197&subcat_key=37 I'm listening to HT002, Healthy Mind Healthy Body before surgery.. Ter


on 12/8/07 2:33 am
Look at the carbs in you sf pudding this may be a trigger,i eat sf popsicles before i go to bed and just count them as liquids,I too like to nibble at night,i think the tv does this too me and just not doing anything. I wor****il 10pm and that is how i unwind when i get home.
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