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Topic: Pic with posting
Hey, how do I put my pic with a message I post? Do I just need to add one to my profile?
Topic: Any post-op "old-timers"???
I think this forum is great...but I noticed that most people posting are 2 yrs or less post-op. Since I'm only 2 weeks post-op, it does help me to learn from their experiences, but I'm also curious as to long-term issues...
Are there any "old-timers" out there?? If so, any words of advice? Or willing to share good/bad experiences from over the years post-op?
Topic: RE: Yahoo Group for VBG
Once you click on one of the messages, there will be an option above the message to go to the previous or next message. I usually scroll through them that way...
By the way, I skimmed through your profile and journal, and I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and continued success!
Topic: RE: Yahoo Group for VBG
This one does look active. I have a hard time with the format though. Is it possible to read the messages without having to click open each message within the link??
Topic: RE: Please help
Hi Taryn,
I hope that you have figured something out. Did you go to the ER last night? Has it got better today? Did you call your surgeon again and tell them again about your issues? Make sure that someone listens to you and acts on what you have to say. Please keep us posted.
Topic: RE: Hi, Everyone!
Goodmorning Mary... Congratulations on your weight loss success! You also are giving encouragement to others by posting your success. Come back often and share with us.
Best Regards
Topic: RE: Help!!! I've hit a plateau!!!!
Hi, Karen:
I hit a major plateau at -51 pounds. The weight didn't budge for a week, and that was so depressing because I'd been losing about 3-1/2 pounds per week. So, I increased my exercise a little; I walk about a mile and a half on my lunch hour every day, so I started walking up the stairs to my office. I work on the 6th floor of my building. I also cut something I'd been eating that was high in fat. I absolutely HATE low-fat no-fat salad dressings, so on my daily salad I'd been using regular Ranch dressing. I cut the portion in half and low and behold, next time I got on the scale, I was down 2 pounds!
You'll lose that 38 pounds! Just keep fighting the good fight!!
Topic: RE: Please help
What Natalie said!! I had very little to no pain. My stomach did do a lot of rumbling (still does sometimes) but there was no pain involved. Get to the ER!
Topic: RE: Yahoo Group for VBG
Hi, Kim!
Glad you're doing so well! Remember, walk, walk, walk, and chew, chew, chew!! Good luck to you!!!
Topic: RE: United Hosptial Newsletter Article
Thanks, Sharon! I do love a success story. I intend to be one!