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Topic: VBG with gastric bypass?
Hello everyone!! Has anyone here had the above procedure and if so what do you know about the longterm weightloss aspects of it? Has there been band complications and did you have it done laproscopically?
Topic: RE: Protein Shake Tip
Hi kim. Thanks for the tip. I have a really hard time with the protein too, but what I've tried that works best for me is mixing the protein powder in with fat free pudding or the unflavired unjury in with sugar free jello. Nearly tasteless and I get all of my protein in. I also really like the Atkins Advantage shakes, they are delicious (chocolate delight) but quite expensive. $7 for 4 cans and 20-21g of protein per can. I usually have those on the weekend when I'm out and about or after a workout. Hope you find these tips helpful. Good luck
Topic: RE: Daily Committment for MONDAY
Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I've been on, but I'm back. I've been doing ok on my diet. I've been trying to get all of my protein in, but it is really hard because it tastes bad and I'm just now on regular foods. So I should be able to eat more meat, thus get in more protein. I also have to slow down on my juice intake and increase my water. So my commitment today is to drink 64 oz of water and to do 25 minutes of pilates or walk 1 mile.
Congrats to everyone who has been maintaining their goals. Good luck to those who are struggling like me.
-10.5 1 month post op
Topic: RE: Daily Committment for MONDAY
GOOD JOB on the walking Sharon and Mary!!!
My knee is still twice its normal size and VERY black blue, so no walking for me
I have not been doing too great on the diet either, but at least I haven't binged.
Let's see...a committment for today...I can't exercise, I've already had a ton of sugar in this coffee cake and vanilla latte. oh I have one! I haven't drank enough water this
Today's daily commitment:
DRINK 64 OZ OF WATER (as soon as I finish this venti latte)

Topic: RE: Daily Committment for MONDAY
Good Morning, Sharon:
Good luck to you on your daily commitment to get back on track with your exercise! That's a great Monday commitment! I even walked for 45 minutes yesterday and I usually take Sunday off, but my scale hasn't budged for a week, so I thought goosing my exercise routine might help! Anything's possible!
What did you do to your foot? I hope it's on the mend!
I'm 6-1/2 months post-op and I've dealt with a twisted ankle and some back problems; oh, and then, I fell squarely on both my new knees, which set me back 10 days, so I understand how injuries can lay you low. And, of course, my scale just sits there when I'm not exercising!
Hope you have a great week!!
Topic: Protein Shake Tip
Okay...maybe you guys already know this, but I just discovered it.
I was originally repulsed by the protein shake I got, even with 6 packets of Equal in it. But then I started drinking it in water bottles or sport type bottles, so I could take it to work, and noticed it wasn't so bad.
The secret that I found was if I couldn't smell it while I was drinking it, it wasn't that bad! I had first tried it in an open cup at home, and it was just ooky. Artificial sweetner and lots of ice help me out too.
Anyway, just a tip.
And, I've been losing weight faster since drinking them. I highly recommend them, and the more you drink them, the more you get used to them.
Open VBG 9/1/04
Topic: Daily Committment for MONDAY
Hello VBG Family,
Well I am very pleased with myself. I have walked at least one mile the last 3 days!! WOO HOO ME! I will walk at least one mile on Monday as well.
I stopped exercising when I hurt my foot. It is time to get back on track so you all are going to have to put up with my Daily Commits until I have myself back where I belong!
Wish me luck... and join me with your own Daily Committment -- there must be something you all want to do or improve upon on Monday... isn't there??
Topic: RE: Confession!
You definitely need to find some other way to occupy your time! I notice that when I'm busy...I don't even have time to think about food...and then I don't miss it either.
Like Sharon said...find a hobby, go out and do something. Or, find what is drawing you to the food and try to change it, or I've come to avoid it actually. I don't keep snacky stuff or junk food in the there's nothing easy to grab.
And, you've got to exercise!!
VBG 9/1/04
Topic: RE: Back from the hospital

Hi Duane!!
Welcome home Duane!!! Congratulations to you. Very nice to hear from YOU! Sorry to here that you experienced so much pain.
I think you are right on the "pushing yourself" thing. When I pushed myself I was much better the next day as well. Take it easy, keep on walking and make sure you get enough liquids in so you do not get dehydrated. Now you just need to get aquainted with your "new" stomach.
Again... congrats on meeting us on "the other side"!
Best Regards