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Topic: RE: Who can drink carbonated beverages?
I don't think the carbonated soda will stretch out your pouch. That has not been proven, and it doesn't make sense to me because our bodies won't hold the air inside, but instead will make us burp.
I was told not to drink it at first, and I think it is either because it hurts to burp right after surgery, or it doesn't help with healing. You can put a dirty penny in a glass of coke, and it will be shiny and looking brand-new after awhile. There is something weird about that, but imagine what it could do to healing tissue.
I stayed away from soda for the first 6-7 weeks or so, and only have it occassionaly now. And, even then it is diet....thank god I've always only liked the diet drinks. No problems here with it...
I have an appt with my surgeon next week, and I'll ask him about this again.
Open VBG 9/1/04
292 then/ 250 now
Topic: RE: Does eating get any better?
It is my opinion that at the 2 month mark eating gets significantly better. Must have something to do with the pouch healing. Just keep following your surgeons recommendations!
Topic: RE: Who can drink carbonated beverages?
My surgeon Poo Poo's sodas because of the calories. I haven't really asked for his take on diet soda (can't stand 'em). On occassion (1 x month or every other month) I will have a regular Coke -- it never tastes like I expect it to though. I remember them tasting GOOOOODDD!! Seems to always taste like crap though. I guess after being away from them so long I can't get back to them.
The only other thing I have heard about soda is that the carbonation can eat through staples. Whether this is true or a myth don't really know. Just what I heard!
Topic: RE: Who can drink carbonated beverages?
That is really strange because everything I have heard (especially from my own surgeon is don't drink it because the carbonation can strectch our pouch. He told me if I want soda to drink it flat.
Topic: Who can drink carbonated beverages?
I thought I was not supposed to drink diet sodas or carbonated beverages and asked my surgeon why you couldn't. He looked at me like I was nuts and said that was only right after surgery. I was curious who else drinks carbonated drinks, or if you don't what your surgeon has said about it.
Topic: RE: Does eating get any better?
I was allowed solid food at one week out also. At first your stomach is still swollen so you have to be more careful. I would make sure that you are chewing really well, but if it is major pain I would contact my surgeon. The only time I hurt is if I screw up and eat too fast or a little too much. I've never had sharp pains or anything though...just pressure that makes you wish you were dead

Topic: RE: question about vomitting
Hi Taryn,
I did throw up alot right after surgery. Some days I would`nt and some days I would. Never really understood that. Now at 3 yrs post op, It has probably been about a year since I have vomited. I had to be careful with anything that swelled such as bread. I tried to eat some of my daughters chocolate cake at a restaurant and almost did`nt make it home. Of course there was nothing in the car to upchuck in. I started keeping a plastic cup in the car just in case after that. I sure don`t miss those days. As far as the leaking, I think I would consult the surgeon. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Topic: RE: How much can you eat?
Let me start by saying I do not eat meals for a stretched out period of time. I eat my meals in about 5 minutes. If I go out to eat with someone then I stretch this out.
My father recently bought Banquet chicken nugget tv dinners for my son. Each dinner has six chicken nuggets, about 10 french fries and two tablespoons of corn. Well... now my kid has decided he doesn't like them anymore. So I recently ate one -- I was able to split one into three meals. Probably not the best food choice I could make... but then beggars can't be choosy.
Topic: RE: Does eating get any better?
I had this happen also. But, I must say, chicken at 2 weeks out?? Seems a bit much. I was on liquids for 4 weeks, then puree for 2, then solids after that. But, even so, in my opinion, you should avoid "hard" things like chips, nuts, raw vegetables, things hard to chew for the first 8 weeks at least.
I got the pains when I first went to solids, and I think the scar tissue around the band is still healing. It has gone away over time, but every once in awhile, I got a small pang with something I eat. I would take it sloooooow, chew everything very well, until it's practically liquid in your mouth, and avoid the "crunchy" or "hard" foods I mentioned above for awhile. And, even now, if I cannot chew enough to get a mashed potato consistency, I spit it out. Like steak is always hard... I'm very careful, but I haven't thrown up at all.
And, please confirm with your doctor that you can eat some solids already. It seems entirely too soon to me since you are still healing! Plus, my weight loss slowed dramatically once I went to solid foods. If you can stay on liquid/pureed for awhile, do it!
Open VBG 9/1/04
315 highest
292 before/251 now