Question please---
Is the VGB the one where there is a permanant ring around your stomach, does not get adjusted and no intestines were re-routed? I am curious as before I had met my husband, he had a stomach surgury, I believe he called it "stomach stapling" and I wondered if this is the forum related to his surgury. I had the lap band installed in June, and everything about the two seem to be the same other than my band is tightened gradually and there were no cuts on the stomach, and no staples. Thanks for youe help!!
Hi Bubbles,
I refer to my surgery as stomach stapling and I had the VBG. I just say that so people don't think its the gastric bypass and they seem to understand
As far as wether or not its actually the truth I am not really sure. I would say its a pretty acurate description though! I think the pouch for the VBG is smaller than the old version of stomach stapling, but I am not really sure about that. Sorry I wish I could give you a definitive response.