Staple failure?
Hi Sara! I would like to know the same thing. How does it feel to have a staple failure? My doctor never told me they could come apart, and I surely never even thought they would. I was also led to believe this was a reverseable surgery, and am now finding out that isn't really true. The first support meeting I went to a month ago was very eye opening, and not very encouraging. I am not giving up. I have lost about 78 pounds and am still working at it. I would also like to see those "pouch rules" that have been mentioned. Do you know of them? I still have a long way to go, and am hoping to continue to lose. I have been told this is a temporary fix, and will be okay as long as my eating habits have changed. I was told since the stomach is a muscle always moving that the staples will always work their way loose. OH NOOOOOO! The doctor that did my surgery said he wouldn't do the RNY because there were ALWayS complications down the line-no matter how good the surgeon was. So who is right? For myself, I think I will just work the rules of the diet as closely as possible, and hope for the best. How about you? Are you having any regrets or are you feeling okay about your surgery? Love to hear from you. Carol
Hi Carol,
Thanks for the response
I still haven't gotten a real answer as to how it feels to have a staple failure. I am worried because I can eat a lot more now, but I am almost a year out and from what I understand that is pretty normal. I just freak myself out sometimes because I am so afraid that I will gain the weight back. I don't really think I have a failure...Ijust felt a strange pulling sensation around one of my incisions, so I wondered if it could be a staple failure.
Oh and to answer your question....In the library on this site you should be able to find the pouch rules. Also Congrats on losing 78 pounds...that is wonderful!!!!
I am feeling great and I still feel that surgery was the best choice for me. I am grateful everyday and I wouldn't change a thing! I just hope I can make it to goal and maintain the loss. I am confident that I can do it, but it is getting harder to make the right choices. I find it hard to eat the "right foods", but I keep my calories low and I am a firm believer that that is more effective than the low carb dieting. That is why the VBG is a great surgery for me.
Take care of yourself and feel free to email me any time!
Big hugs,

Well, I had my VBG done back in 2000. I lost 115 lbs but I have gained about 60 back. I think this is mainly due to constantly snacking on tiny bits of junk food throughout the day. I had an upper GI done a couple of months ago just for curiosity purposes and my surgeon says that it looks like I popped a staple. I did not feel anything as far as I know. But who knows, it could have happened a long time ago when I was learning what and how much my tummy could handle. I don't think my weight gain was much to do with that, just the habit of constantly snacking on junk. Otherwise, i can still only eat tiny meals. I am thrilled with my VBG still. I just need a kick in the pants to stop snacking. That problem has to be solved in the head and I'm working on that!!